понедельник, 29 апреля 2013 г.

Brian Vincent Griffin, of Dayton, Minn., was charged with second-degree murder and attempted second-

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Brian Vincent Griffin, of Dayton, Minn., was charged with second-degree murder and attempted second-degree murder for a weekend shooting that resulted in the death of Jeremy Shannon at the Millennium Hotel.
jamaica vacation packages According to the criminal complaint, Griffin, Shannon and two other men were smoking meth in a hotel room. Around 2:15 a.m. Saturday, Griffin stood up and walked jamaica vacation packages to the door, as though he was leaving the room. That s when police say he pulled a gun from his waist band and started shooting at Shannon and the other men.
Griffin admitted to police that Shannon jamaica vacation packages and the other men were talking about things that made him nervous and he intended jamaica vacation packages to leave but then thought, I have to do this, according to the criminal complaint.
What does is matter jamaica vacation packages what color he is. Crimes happen in all communties and every race or creed. What an ignorant jamaica vacation packages thing to say. I personally know Brian and he was a good kid, just got mixed up with the wrong crowd and drugs.
So, his sister posted the day the story broke and stated he was in his hotel room minding his own business. Is this really societies idea of someone renting a hotel room and minding their own business. I am sorry for the loss the family suffered, BUT that crack does not smoke itself and if you are going to go around doing illegal things, you might think an illegal thing or two may happen to you as well.
Yeah. They re always turning their lives around. Same thing is said when the cops shoot and kill some P.O.S. The family goes looking for anyone who will listen and whines about how good they were and how they were getting their life back in order.
Really, the punishment should be less if you murder another worthless bag of $hit ? Being a judgmental, jamaica vacation packages ignorant, heartless puke like yourself is what I WOULD CONSIDER A worthless bag of $hit . What made him worthless? That he got addicted to a HIGHLY addictive drug? How does that make him worthless? Did HE commit a crime against another? anyone jamaica vacation packages addicted to prescription drugs, street drugs, or alcohol is still a HUMAN BEING. And I can tell you this with complete certainty, even as a meth smoker, Jeremy was more of a human than you are, and he had so many friends, friends who DIDN T do drugs, friends who saw Jeremy for who he was, not what he did. He was so much more than a drug dealer addict . It is people like YOU who society should worry about- people who have no compassion for others, who think they are so much better and worth so much more than others. Because people like you are Sociopaths, and feel no remorse. jamaica vacation packages That makes YOU the worthless bag of $hit that you refer to. Nobody deserves to be murdered the way he was. And someone who can say what you said is someone with no soul, no empathy for others. How do you feel now, knowing that a meth addict was more of a human being than you could ever be? You think so little of him, and he was a more respectful, caring, loving human being than you. So ..where does that leave you? You are an embarrassment to every sober person jamaica vacation packages out there. \\
Well he sure didn t pick his friends and hobbies well. For such a great person, he sure made a lot of consecutive jamaica vacation packages bad decisions. I don t give anybody a free pass for destroying their own life while smoking meth. I m willing to bet he knew it was highly addictive before he ever sucked the glass d1ck for the first time.
It makes me very sad the out look that the public has on addicts. Jeremy was NOT a worthless bag of shi# he was a father, a brother and a friend to many. He had a disease called addiction. Wake up people, your ignorance disgust s me. Addicts do get clean and become a productive member of society I guarantee that you work and live amongst us. I never choose to be an addict but I am and always will be. Today I have over 8 years clean and you would never guess where I work or what I do every day for people. Think before you judge someone and call them a worthless. jamaica vacation packages He was not worthless he was a good man that suffered from a very sad disease. RIP Jeremy … I will pray for you, your children, family and friends.
Ah, it has been said time and time again, that DOPE, especially crack, meth, heroin, and some of the other HARD DRUGS are absolutely POISON, to the body and the mind. Try, use at your own risk. These are not harmless drugs in any way, shape, or form. I don t feel the LEAST bit sorry for ANYONE who messes with this stupid stuff, even if a dead guy happens to be a dad (might actually SAVE his kids without is idiotic influence) or the shooter (I hope he gets LIFE, without parole). So, you want to do some hard drugs AND carry a gun (I wonder if he had a carry permit, I doubt it)? Just watch though. The shooter s parents probably have a lot of money, will hire an expensive lawyer, and this guy will probably only get 10 years, maybe LESS.
Ummm no Brian s mom does not have alot of money. She is a hard working woman who tried her best to raise her sons right! Brian fell into the wrong crowd and this is no excuse for what he did but This was not how he was brought up!
Being an addict is a conscious decision. The stuff doesn t buy and smoke itself. There is always a choice. He chose to be a meth smoker. That cannot be refuted. His life ended up exactly as you would expect it to, considering his lifestyle.
jamaica vacation packages You are a very ignorant person. Maybe you should do some research on addiction jamaica vacation packages before you create an opinion. I also was a meth addict, I have been clean and sober for almost jamaica vacation packages a decade. I can tell you from experience that I never chose to be an addict, I could also tell you about the cunning jamaica vacation packages baffling and powerful jamaica vacation packages obsession that I had. Getting clean was by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I did not wake up at 15 years old and tell my self, I think I want to be an addict , I am going to make a conscious decision to use drugs and slowly kill myself Do you know how stupid that sounds???
Before any of you make false accusations and assumptions about a man you never even knew .. Do some damn research . addiction is a disease . take a look at your family and friends guarantee you will find an addict (meth heroin, crack, weed, prescription pills), alcoholic or a gambler I guarantee you love them, Put your self in the shoes of his family and friends jamaica vacation packages .. would you want some to judge and say hurtful things??? Keep your side of the street clean you never know when you get to see the big man in the sky.
I ve done the research, trust me. I m not ignorant. Labeling yourself as helpless against the power of meth is simply a copout. It didn t make you do anything. You always had a choice. You were still responsible for your actions. And now you re just making excuses. Both pathetic.
What is your copout for being a complete disgrace to the human race. You are making the choice to respond like a complete ignorant fool. If you act like this in society, believe me, the day will come where you have to be responsible for voicing your despicable shallow opinions.
Go to mncriminals.com and type in Jeremy Shannon you will see this man is no one to do life for he has multiple charges jamaica vacation packages for Harm with the intent to kill not to mention domestic violence and drud charges!!! the most recent charge was just this past December and if I m not mistaken it was a felony why the hell was he out on the streets!!! come on people his record jamaica vacation packages speaks for him.
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