воскресенье, 28 октября 2012 г.

The physical world is an addiction . We have been caught in a Venus Fly Trap entranced by the smells

Many individuals feel trapped . This maybe work, marriage, the kids, addictions etc or even a metaphysical rome cheap hotels prison, and they feel imprisoned in the physical world from which they cannot escape, and look to Death to relieve their pain and suffering . There is always a choice and we are only trapped by our belief system .
The physical world is an addiction . We have been caught in a Venus Fly Trap entranced by the smells and colours and only too late we realise the mistake we have made, but by then we are hooked . And we keep on coming back again and again in the vain hope that this time it may satisfy rome cheap hotels us but like all addictions, it only does for a short period and then we want more .
But Life is All There Is   and there can be no more than Life . The only alternative to Life is Death, but that doesn t exist apart from in our imagination . However, the addiction does serve a purpose . It keeps us away from what the Ego fears most our spiritual Self and hidden beneath all our fear, guilt and hate is our Self, safe from the storm that surrounds it .
There is always a choice and we make it every day of our lives . Do we choose to see the world through the eyes of the Ego or the eyes of our Self . Do we listen to the loud voice shrieking in our ears, barking out orders like a Regimental Sergeant Major or do we listen to the quiet calm voice which says everything s ok and always has been, and always will be .
We imagine we are separate from each other . This is not the truth . You are not your mind and I am not my mind . There is only One Mind . At present, this separation is coming to an end and I hope through my blog to aid this process .

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