четверг, 26 сентября 2013 г.

Among Temecula Valley So Cal Wine Country champions of sustainability is Ponte Family Estate, which

Temecula Valley Southern California Wine Country is gaining well-deserved international car rentals recognition for its premium, quality wines and becoming a desirable international car rentals destination for green, eco-friendly travelers and visitors. The casual, picturesque region s natural beauty includes three unique destinations, each of earth-friendly interest: Downtown international car rentals Old Town Temecula with surrounding untouched, chaparral-covered international car rentals hills and nearby, untamed river; Pechanga Resort Casino nestled against majestic mountains that bloom with lilac in spring; and Temecula Valley So Cal Wine Country where vineyards thrive in morning air, refreshing and still.
international car rentals Efforts toward harmony with nature extend beyond and include local government, families, and schoolchildren. The City of Temecula is helping to preserve the night sky for nearby Palomar Observatory with its 6,500, dark-sky friendly, low-pressure sodium (LPS) arterial and streetlights. Slow Food Temecula Valley s school gardens program has helped establish and keep growing, edible, organic gardens at more than a dozen, Temecula schools.
international car rentals With 5,000 acres protected in an agricultural preserve, rolling hills, and a big beautiful sky overhead, the vineyards and wineries of Temecula Valley So Cal Wine Country host a variety of sustainable practices. Many of these practices begin in the vineyards where the health and vitality of the vines are a precursor to the flavors of the wines. Throughout the valley, cover crops grow between vineyard rows to fortify the soil. Pest management is encouraged by red tail hawks during the day and by owls at night. international car rentals At harvest-time, the grapes of many vineyards are picked during the cooler temperatures of night and early-early morning, both for energy savings international car rentals and for the quality berries and juice night-harvesting helps to ensure.
Among Temecula Valley So Cal Wine Country champions of sustainability is Ponte Family Estate, which manages its vineyards and winery under the sustainability standards of the California Association of Winegrape Growers international car rentals and the Wine Institute. In the vineyards, natural cover crops limit carbon dioxide emissions, preserve soil integrity, enhance soil health, and prevent erosion. Bluebird boxes encourage bluebirds to help manage insects. Soil moisture is monitored; deficit and drip irrigation foster wine quality. Ponte s green team has implemented sustainability practices throughout the winery, tasting room, and restaurant, with its wine club shipping and estate international car rentals landscaping; and is continually in the process of expanding these efforts. Ponte is also a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) weekly pick-up location.
Farm-elegant and widely recognized for its handcrafted estate grown wines, Palumbo Family international car rentals Vineyards Winery is certified sustainable by the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA), proud to be members of the Santa Margarita River Watershed monitoring program international car rentals and active in promoting its overall health. Palumbo recycles grape winemaking by-product (grape skins, seeds, and stems) by nourishing the vineyards with composted grape pomace. Cover crops between vineyard rows include wildflowers to attract ladybugs. All Palumbo corks are derived from sustainable cork forests and are fire-branded, eliminating the need for ink branding. The tasting bar was built using recycled wood scraps found at a local guitar factory for Taylor and Gibson guitars.
The owners of family-run, Leonesse Cellars began as farmers. As a result, and as long-term farmers, Leonesse is earnest in its role as caretakers of the land. Leonesse vineyards are sustainably farmed incorporating practices such as deficit irrigation for quality fruit and for water conservation; organic composts under the vines for nutrients; cover crops barley in every other row to build the soil profile; and the encouragement of hawks, owls, and beneficial insects. At Leonesse, the Touch the Vine, Taste the Wine, tour and tasting includes international car rentals a trek via jumbo electric golf cart to experience the vineyards firsthand. Leonesse is the host venue for Slow Food Temecula Valley s annual Field To Fork, a premier wine, craft beer, and food-pairing event.
international car rentals The vineyards of stunning estate, Monte de Oro Winery are also sustainably farmed as naturally as possible. Another example of Monte de Oro s green commitment is its 9,000 square-foot, subterranean, wine cellar. Utilizing the environment and aesthetics of the structure maintains a proper, consistent temperature and constant humidity for wine barrel storage and cellaring. This dramatically reduces the need for electricity that would be required for an above-ground wine barrel facility.
With a deep farming history and passion for Temecula Valley international car rentals So Cal Wine Country, boutique-winery, Stuart Cellars is clearly focused on sustainability. Vineyard land is fortified with legumes and barley, and composted grape pomace international car rentals is used as a natural soil amendment. Deficit irrigation watering and soil moisture international car rentals monitoring are practiced, and emitters with spaghetti tubing that directs water to the base of vines, eliminates trans-evaporation of the water (versus cordon drip systems) by 33%. Towering eucalyptus trees are home to nesting international car rentals Red Tail hawks and a nesting Coopers hawk, and in Spring 2011, Stuart Cellars owl box was home to two adult barn owls and eight baby owls.
At all-Italian varietal, international car rentals Cougar Vineyard Winery, cover crops and composted lees (grape seeds, leaves, and skins remaining from the winemaking process) are used to fortify the soils. No pesticides and no herbicides are used in the vineyards, and only natural sulfur is used when necessary to control powdery mildew. By night, owls patrol the Cougar vineyards.
Popular for its unique wines including almond champagne, Wilson Creek Winery Vineyard s sustainability efforts include monitoring and limiting soil moisture to conserve water; international car rentals these efforts also control vine canopy growth, and reduce berry and bunch size, thereby improving grape quality. Wilson Creek is also participating in a vineyard water usage study in Wine Country that uses an ADCON network of weather and soil moisture sensing stations. Wilson Creek refrains from using any chemical fertilizers; instead, compost, green waste, and cover crops increase the available nutrients to the vines and retard moisture evaporation.
At South Coast Winery international car rentals Resort Spa (Best California international car rentals State Winery two-years-running), sustainable vineyard growing practices include the use of vine-based compost (grape skins, grape seeds, leaves, and stems leftover from the winemaking process) to improve overall soil health and nurture the growth of future grape production efforts. international car rentals Grape seeds, international car rentals leaves, and grape skins (known as lees ) are also recycled to create customized spa services at South Coast s GrapeSeed Spa. Offered every year at crush, the exclusively international car rentals designed, Lees Mud Scrub is naturally filled with antioxidants from the grapes; the grape skins and grape leaves add an exfoliating texture to the treatment.
Mount Palomar Winery also incorporates sustainability practices in its vineyard management. Grape stems leftover international car rentals from the winemaking process are used to prevent soil erosion; cover crops and composted grape pomace nourish the soil; and deficit irrigation is practiced. Owl boxes encourage the nighttime predators, and in Spring 2011, a pair of Red Tail hawks had made their home in Mount Palomar s towering eucalyptus trees. Mount Palomar uses recycled pressed paper (instead of styrofoam) in packaging/shipping its wines.
At Callaway Vineyard Winery, cover crops limit carbon dioxide emissions, inhibit weed growth, preserve soil integrity, enhance soil health, international car rentals and encourage beneficial insects. international car rentals Composted pomace also nourishes vineyard soils, and hawks and owls are effective in their patrols. international car rentals Weather data and soil moisture monitoring international car rentals help to limit water usage, and Old World winemaking techniques allow the wines to express themselves. Seasonal events with the winemaker feature an adopt-a-vine program and provide the opportunity to learn more.
Very small, family-owned and operated, Foot Path Winery is Temecula Valley So Cal Wine Country s only certified international car rentals organic vineyard. Natural cover crops, no pesticides (an organic, chrysanthemum-based alternative is used instead), and hawks and owls on-patrol are practices in the production of Foot Path s handcrafted wines. The Foot Path Winery also features a small stand with navel, Valencia, and blood oranges; tangerines; pomegranates; figs; apricots; and other tree fruit in-season.
The primary values international car rentals of the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance s sustainability statement are exemplified throughout Temecula Valley So Cal Wine Country but perhaps two values international car rentals are best illustrated by pioneer Hart Winery. Those values: produce the best quality wine and/or grapes possible and honor the California wine community s entrepreneurial spirit. While well-respected for a stellar array of estate and Temecula Valley appellation wines, Hart Winery also supports other Temecula Valley international car rentals So Cal Wine Country vineyards and grape growers by buying their grapes for Hart wines, a sustainability practice, indeed.
Temecula Valley So Cal Wine Country wholeheartedly recycles glass, cardboard, wooden pallets, etc. For Earth Day 2011, the Temecula Valley Winegrowers Association and its 34 member wineries also launched a partnership with ReCORK. The natural cork, recycling program s goal is to inform of the crucial role, renewable cork forests play in curbing climate change.
Sampling a region s wines while enjoying the local cuisine is a time-honored travel tradition. In Temecula Valley So Cal Wine Country, dining in a variety international car rentals of winery restaurants where local ingredients are used to craft seasonal menus affords the opportunity to experience the natural affinity and natural synergy of Temecula Valley wines and foods together.
Among earth-friendly, winery restaurants in Temecula Valley So Cal Wine Country is Meritage at Callaway Vineyard Winery, a genuine proponent of shopping f

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