воскресенье, 1 сентября 2013 г.

[...] Points at Choice Hotelsreeder on Using Your Choice Privileges Points at Choice HotelsAnon on D

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This content is not provided or commissioned by American cruising yachts Express. cruising yachts Opinions expressed here are author's alone, not those of American Express, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by American Express. cruising yachts This site may be compensated through American Express Affiliate Program.
Tomorrow (Thursday), Day 19 of the Daily Getaways brings us Choice Privileges points.  These packages are promoted as two or three nights in various types of Choice hotels, but what really matters is the number of points that come with the package. cruising yachts You can redeem those points however you wish once they are deposited in your account.  The points range from 32,000 to 40,000 cruising yachts per package.  My parents frequent hotels in the Choice Privileges program on their road trips, and they seem pretty happy with the program.  I have also read many success stories related to getting good values on hotels in Europe using Choice cruising yachts points.  What I do not like at all is not being able to make award bookings until 30 days out if you are not an elite.  ( Though they do seem to be pretty decent about elite status matches and I think you can make that request online ).  Regardless, that is a big deal breaker for me as I am often planning way in advance.  However, even if you won t be able to use your Choice Privileges points cruising yachts for hotel stays, this deal is still worth a second look.
First, Choice Privileges points are useful as a Grand Slam hit (assuming that comes back this year).  Read this post for more details , but last year you needed 5,000 Choice Privileges points for 1,000 US Airways Dividend Miles and a hit.  The only caveat is there was at least one report that Choice points may be clawed back and the hit nullified if you transfer to another person s frequent flyer account, so purchasing a package of points with the intent to use them as hits in multiple people s Dividend Miles accounts is a risky proposition.  It is safe for your account, but not necessarily everyone in your family.
However, one very solid use of these points is as a transfer to the Southwest Rapid Rewards program. cruising yachts These points are being purchased at .41 cents (40,000 point package), .43 cents (36,000 point package) or .42 cents (32,000 cruising yachts point package) each without an Amex.  If you do use an Amex, take 10% off that.  They transfer to the Southwest Rapid Rewards program at a rate of 6,000 Choice points: 1,800 Southwest points.  For the sake of easy math, say your purchased the 36,000 point package with an Amex for $140.40.  Those 36,000 Choice points cruising yachts could convert to 10,800 Southwest points.  If used on Wanna Get Away fares, those 10,800 points cruising yachts would be worth $180 in Southwest credit cruising yachts .  So, you turned your $140.40 purchase into $180 worth of Southwest credit.  That is nice, but here is the best part.  Cough, couch , Companion Pass .  Two certain personal and business credit card sign-up bonuses cruising yachts can get you 100,000 of the 110,000 required points for a Southwest Companion Pass.  I ll let you do the rest of the math.  Amazing. cruising yachts I can t swear it will work in the future, but I do know it has worked in the past.  Did I say amazing?
Get early access to the offer by liking Choice  Hotels on Facebook.  On the morning of the sale, a code will be posted on your wall that can access the pre-sale one hour early (from Noon to 1 PM EST)
You must make your reward-night reservations personally through the Program Line or through your Choice Privileges online account no more than thirty (30) days prior to your planned arrival. However, Choice Privileges Elite members have expanded booking windows as follows:
If you are unable to use your room and fail to cancel your reservation, or if you do not claim the room by the specified time, Choice Privileges cruising yachts will not credit your account with the points that you redeemed for that room.
I m actually on the fence about whether or not I will participate.  I m not pushing for a Companion Pass, but I would like points for a potential cruising yachts Grand Slam hit, and the rest could always be used for a hotel stay and/or transferred to Southwest, though Southwest is not usually convenient for me.  So, I m a definite maybe .  I just need to make sure I can afford to put out more cash toward cruising yachts these promos right now.  Even if something is a great deal, it still needs to fit within your family s budget.  Points go on pre-sale Thursday at Noon Eastern for those who like Choice Hotels on Faceboo cruising yachts k and the regular cruising yachts sale happens at 1PM Eastern on the Daily Getaways website .
Folks should read the Choice T Cs carefully regarding points expiring. It is time based, meaning points expire a few years after they are earned, rather than account based meaning any activity in the account keeps all account points cruising yachts in play.
[...] Mommy Points and Million Mile Secrets both have good analysis on the value of this Choice cruising yachts Privileges points deal. Travel by Points has a table showing the cost of each Choice Hotel reward night category using points with this deal. [...]
As I posted on another site, the Southwest deal is misleading. cruising yachts You get that 'value' in WN points, but you forget to discount the fact that the point travel doesn't earn WN points, so the true discount is really cruising yachts about 7-16%, or a much lower value proposition IMO.
@Ben, true you are always losing some value when you are redeeming points since you aren t earning them. However, the real value with Southwest (in my opinion) lies with the Companion Pass, not just with the transfer rates.
[...] Recent CommentsNoah cruising yachts on Four of My Favorite Family-Friendly Avios Redemptionsmommypoints on Daily Getaways Day 19 (Thursday): Choice Privileges Points cruising yachts Huge Value for Southwest Rapid Re benji on Daily Getaways Day 19 (Thursday): Choice Privileges Points Huge Value for Southwest [...]
@pablo escobar, I agree that some limited quantity things like this are getting harder to nab as more people are in the miles and points world, but I know I have been able to purchase at least one of every Daily Getaway deal I tried for. Some of it is luck for sure, but I think it may be a bit premature to say that collecting miles has jumped the shark . Though of course we all have our own opinions. Sorry to hear you weren t able to get the points you were after.
Ahh US Grand Slam. You all remember that point transfers from Choice are coded as stays and not transfers, right. Six choice points transfers (30k) will, assuming the systems have not been changed, transfer in as six stays with US Airways. This will reduce my out-of-pocket to $22 per stay hit. Let the wait begin.
cruising yachts [...] Points at Choice Hotelsreeder on Using Your Choice Privileges Points at Choice HotelsAnon on Daily Getaways Day 19 (Thursday): Choice Privileges Points Huge Value for Southwest Rapid Re Brad on Using Your Choice Privileges Points at Choice HotelsMichael W Travels on Using Your Choice [...]
Disclaimer: This content is not provided or commissioned by the credit card issuer. cruising yachts Opinions cruising yachts expressed here are author's alone, not those of the credit card issuer, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the credit card issuer. This site may be compensated through the credit card issuer Affiliate Program.

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