вторник, 29 октября 2013 г.

She stressed that it was no drama that the cruise market would decline for the first time after year

After five years with a near doubling of cruise traffic along the Norwegian coast, next year will see a decline in cruiseship calls for the first time in several decades. Several US cruiselines are pulling ships out of Europe because they haven t filled budget hotels bayswater london enough of their available cabins on board.
Newspaper Dagens Næringsliv (DN) reported that Carnival, Princess Cruises and Royal Caribbean are cutting their numbers of cruiseships to Europe and Norway. Wenche Nygård Eeg, marketing director of Cruise Norway, told DN there would still be some growth in the British and German cruise markets, but not enough to compensate for the loss of the American budget hotels bayswater london passengers.
She stressed that it was no drama that the cruise market would decline for the first time after years of double-digit growth. Some hotels may even welcome it, because several have long felt they re competing against the cruiseships and that cruise tourists don t spend nearly the same amounts of money on shore as other tourists who need accommodation, meals, rental cars and other services.
Isn t that rather the point? When everyone is finding ways around the law because they don t like it then perhaps the law should be altered? We know vinmonpolet is dying to kill off duty free as well as take over the airports. It s time that beast was put down
Well abolishing duty free isn t something for VM to decide. Norway isn t in the EU so I can bring whatever I want, when I want, They can go pound sand. Besides letting VM into airports would mean a complete psuedo budget hotels bayswater london communist takeover. Did you see the employees of VM? They look like they d rather be somewhere else than at work.
Errm none? Tax free sales are tax free ergo there is no duties. As for jobs wha? There will still be vinmonopolets and if you have to pay tax on all alcohol coming into the country you re more likely to just buy it in Norway than abroad then faff about at the border working out tax.
I don t smoke. I drink little alcohol. If I do, I/we drink a little wine or beer. Since we travel across the border several times per month, I have no reason to smuggle. Our demand for alcohol is well within the quotas.
Then lets be honest, you are in no position to criticize the turkish hairdresser who forgets to declare a haircut or 2. Not looking for an argument Tom, just don t agree with double standards, especially when it involves discrimination against immigrants.
budget hotels bayswater london I can asure you that the Our tax authorities have no time to hassle about a haircut or two . But rather if they know that they must make an annual tax Return report and report VAT periodically through the year. This paperless business among immigrants have been going on for years. budget hotels bayswater london Turkish barbers are small potatoes. Builders from Poland and the Baltics are far worse. So far, the police budget hotels bayswater london have only taken on the cases where organised crime is involved.
If you work black as a carpenter here in Norway you have a hefty net salary that it is impossible to earn otherplaces in Europe. Still, they are fresh enough to go to a Norwegian hospital when they get sick. Who pays for that?

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