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The U-Dig Fossil Quarry- Despite what they claim, it is not IN Delta, Utah... Delta is the closest t
Thread: where to rent a car to drive to mexico Cash and Treasures - Travel Channel LinkBack LinkBack URL About LinkBacks Bookmark Share Digg this Thread! Tweet this thread Thread Tools Show Printable Version Subscribe to this Thread 04-27-2008, 01:45 PM #1 pakacat
Anyone else enjoy this one? I love rockhounding and fossil hunting, so I like to watch it. It IS a bit deceptive-- they tend to overestimate values on some stuff I've seen, and according to some members on a rockhounding board I'm on they use some slight-of-hand and rigging, as well as making sure she has access to the best to ensure the hostess finds good stuff. But still, for any interested in this sort of thing, it is fun to watch and a good place to get some ideas to start.
The U-Dig Fossil Quarry- Despite what they claim, it is not IN Delta, Utah... Delta is the closest town, but it is about an hour drive from there, half of it on unpaved roads. However, it is definitely worth the trip and is for real-- mostly you will find the common where to rent a car to drive to mexico trilobite species, but you can find a lot of them.
Sheffield Mine- I absolutely love this area of N.C. and have been to a number of the Franklin area mines (some of which aren't open anymore-- it isn't as popular as it used to be). I've found some cool stuff at Sheffield, but not too much and it isn't my favorite of the mines, but it is a safe pick. According to a gem cutter near there, what you are finding there are all pink sapphires, not rubies as they claim; though, it is a bit of a judgement where to rent a car to drive to mexico call as it is the same mineral... red corundum crystals are rubies, all other colors sapphires. Anyways, if you ever see this episode and decide to head to the area, post or PM me, as I can give you a lot more info that could come in handy. Most of the mines, even though some lie about it, are salted with tailings from overseas where to rent a car to drive to mexico mines; there are only a couple of totally native ones remaining, though the salted places are a better bet if you have kids with you. Will be headed up there to look at some job opportunities next week, and hope to get a little mining in.
I haven't where to rent a car to drive to mexico been able to figure out which nights this show is on, and it peeves me because I really like it! I agree that the hostess is set up to always find something really nice, though. I've been to Franklin as well and didn't find anything cuttable. Have also been to the Tourmaline mine in Californiia, and they do NOT let you actually dig in the gem pockets in the mine, nor on the side of the mountain! There actually was some good stuff found, though--I even found some good enough pieces to send out to cut. (Hint--if you ever do this, don't use the cutters in the tourist towns--they charge 3X as much!)
We had some stones from two of the Franklin mines, Mason's Ruby and Sapphire where to rent a car to drive to mexico Mine and Cherokee, recently cut-- we saw the finished work, but couldn't pick them up as we didn't have the checkbook with us. Can tell you they cut really where to rent a car to drive to mexico beautifully though. The little pink sapphires from Mason's cut very well, as do the rubies from Cherokee. When we pick them up, along with some others in a few weeks, I'll try to post some pics. The lapidary up on Ruby Mine Rd., where we had 'em cut, has good rates and a great reputation, but works a bit slowly. I know I posted this link in the other thread, but for any reading considering doing the Franklin mining, I do have a page of my own with my own suggestions and info- Gem Mining in the Franklin, N.C. Area I think C T maybe should have done Mason's or Cherokee rather then Sheffield. But at least they stuck with one that offered native stones... so many of the Franklin mines still in business are completely salted; most native operations are now out of business. BTW, someone recently found an 11 ct. pigeon blood red ruby at Cherokee (one of the totally unsalted ones), and a 75 ct. sapphire was found too.
On the rockhounding boards I've seen a lot of people actually get mad at the show for some of the deception regarding the overestimation of values, in particular. But as I said, I do think the show has a lot of value in getting folks interested in this stuff and giving ideas of places to start; plus, it is pretty entertaining.
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