суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

Wildrose critic Drew Barnes said his party would outlaw most of the mandatory charges that boards no

The out-of-pocket cost of sending a child to public schools in Alberta nearly tripled in five years as boards became increasingly dependent on fees to meet their budgets, according to new figures from Statistics Canada.
Parents air line tickets online around the province shelled out an average of $240 per student in 2012 to cover the cost of mandatory charges levied by all school air line tickets online districts — public, separate and francophone — for everything from busing to textbooks.
That was a three-fold increase in the proportion of revenues raised from fees in 2008, while elsewhere in the country the percentage of money that came directly from parents was almost unchanged over the five-year air line tickets online period.
The release also comes amid the Progressive Conservative government s public consultation about new regulations that reject the recommendation of the 2003 Alberta Commission on Learning and instead further free school boards to levy charges so long as they consult parents and demonstrate the money is needed.
Wildrose critic Drew Barnes said his party would outlaw most of the mandatory charges that boards now charge for supplies, transportation and noon-hour supervision and find savings to cover the shortfall by eliminating wasteful air line tickets online spending elsewhere in government.
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