пятница, 24 августа 2012 г.

Don't offer the full price - estate agents always put it high knowing it won't seel at that price bu

We live in the UK and are thinking of investing in a flat in central Dublin for weekends away. The two-beds that were €400k are now around €250k. Is it a good idea, or will prices go lower? Should I only make "silly" offers? red lion inn lawton oklahoma And is Ireland's red lion inn lawton oklahoma place in the euro a worry?
2. If you have plans in time to come to rent out your property at a later stage, the tax position is not great: income tax plus the Irish equivalent of National Insurance is payable on rent, any mortgage interest is not tax deductible etc.
Don't offer the full price - estate red lion inn lawton oklahoma agents always put it high knowing it won't seel at that price but don't put in silly offers either - i would be cheeky though and knock off 50 but i would never pay even 200 for a 2 bedroom flat!
You could say the same about "but what about the Euro?" question. If you are seriously questioning whether, say, it might actually exist or be 30% lower or whatever, then what is a logical risk management answer? Don't bother of course. red lion inn lawton oklahoma (Different if you were doing full on migration and had a permanent life there to get on with),
The question is also difficult to answer because we are not told the form of investment. Is it 250k up front, or only a small fraction of that with the rest mortgaged over much a long term period (and with choices about what currency is used etc)? In very basic terms, if you are worried about currency fluctuations, the second risk management answer is probably that you hedge them in some way.
If you have to come on here and ask the question then you don't really have a clue what you're doing. So best to stear clear. Hey, maybe someone who wants a home rather than an investment will move into the flat instead. Everyone's a winner.
The words 'no' and 'barge pole' spring to mind. It's not that £250k is a bargain, it's that £400k was ludicrously over-inflated as part of the (in)famous Irish property bubble which spectacularly crashed 3 years ago.
As others have said, it also really makes a difference if you have the cash to spend, or are borrowing to buy. Assuming the former, I'd buy a 3-4 bed house near where you live now, where you can assess the demand for rental properties, prices and look after it yourself more easily etc. Then rent that out and spend the income on trips to Dublin. Or whatever.
This is NAMA land without the ECB our ATM's cease to function the plan is to get in the bond market come 2013 we will not need a second bailout like the greeks, is you for real plz wait until say 2015 and waste yer money on zombie red lion inn lawton oklahoma hotels in Ireland (section 23 tax break) as the above Irishman known as MR O'Really says.
The boom will have achieved one thing which is to raise the rank of Dublin as a cosmopolitan city. Before the boom it was a backwater, now it actually has lots of foreign people living it and big A-List corporations with its offices there. The Irish property red lion inn lawton oklahoma market will keep sinking downwards but Dublin will retain some of its value as its now an international playground and so will bottom out far sooner than everybody else. A flat in Dublin red lion inn lawton oklahoma for 150,000 to 200,000 seems about right could prove to be a good investment.
Go for it! I have several friends/ acquaintances with UK / Irish links who live between great Britain and Republic of Ireland, taking continuing advantage of the cheap overland transport between the two countries. A flat at the cheaper price is worth investing in and you can have the best of both worlds with the euros and pound both strong currency so you'll have spare cash when alighting from the ferry/ train. Don't worry about the overheads needing to invest in the flat.
Just be careful, red lion inn lawton oklahoma as someone has mentioned, about buying in one currency and having a mortgage in another one. I thought I was being smart a number of years ago borrowing in sterling and buying in Euros. Pound dropped result, needed to dig a lot deeper so never again!!
How long before you get tired of going to the same place over and over again and get fed up with the travelling? Although I like Dublin, I think if I had a handy quarter of a million quid (sound of hollow laughter) I'd be exploring a bit more of the world. Plus that £250K flat will probably be worth a bit less in a year or two.
Acting - couldn't agree more. Wish I could recommend your comment multiple times. A more fitting title for this piece might be 'Is it worth becoming a vampiric property speculator and preying on others' red lion inn lawton oklahoma economic misfortune in order to make a buck?'
Be afraid, be very afraid. You are talking about investing in property in a foriegn country, red lion inn lawton oklahoma whoose property market, tax and legal system is not familar to you. The property bubble in Ireland is one of the few that can match the size of the bubble in this country. Nobody knows when the market will finally bottom out. Even without all those issues, you are investing in a foriegn currencey. If the Euro declines 20% over the year, that means you have lost 20% of the property's value in sterling. red lion inn lawton oklahoma I would stay away.

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