понедельник, 28 января 2013 г.

If your group is looking for car or  van rentals to make it easier to visit all of the Trinity sites

New York City is known across the globe as a vibrant, modern metropolis – trendy and fast paced with towering skyscrapers everywhere. It's hard to imagine what the area looked like when the first European settlers arrived, but tucked away here and there around the city, you can still find many remnants of New York's early years. One of its greatest treasures is the Trinity Church.
apartment rentals edmonton Trinity Church dates back to the late 1600's. Listed on the National Register of Historic apartment rentals edmonton Places, the current structure is actually the third church apartment rentals edmonton building. The first church apartment rentals edmonton began holding services in 1698, but it was destroyed by fire 78 years later during the Revolutionary War. In 1790, the second church building was completed; apartment rentals edmonton however, apartment rentals edmonton it had to be torn down after heavy snow damage in 1839. The third and current structure was completed in 1846, and is a fascinating example of Neo-Gothic architecture.
One of the many interesting architectural features of Trinity Church is its massive bronze doors, which show various scenes from the Bible. apartment rentals edmonton Don't miss a long look at the church's beautiful stained glass windows, or the 15-century altar near the baptistry.
The Trinity Churchyard is one of the oldest cemeteries in the nation. Among those buried here is Alexander Hamilton, the first treasurer of the United States, whose face is on the 10-dollar bill. He perished soon after his famous pistol duel with Aaron Burr, and a prominent monument marks his grave.
apartment rentals edmonton Located just five blocks north of the church (Broadway and Fulton Street) is historic St. Paul's Chapel, which is affiliated with Trinity Church, built in 1766. Unlike Trinity Church, the original St. Paul's Chapel building still stands today.  In spite of its close proximity to the World Trade Center, it did not sustain any damage after the 9/11 attack. Visitors can see the very pew box where George Washington sat after his presidential inauguration; oil paintings from the 1700's; and 14 cut glass chandeliers dating from 1802.
Another Trinity site on the National Register of Historic Places is the Trinity Cemetery and Mausoleum, established in 1842. The cemetery overlooks the Hudson River (on Riverside Drive between 153 rd and 155 th Streets), and is actually closer to the Bronx than Lower Manhattan, where Trinity Church is situated. Horticulturist John James Audubon is buried here, as well as Clement Clark Moore, who wrote the beloved story The Night Before Christmas .
If your group is looking for car or  van rentals to make it easier to visit all of the Trinity sites, check into a  luxury car rental to accommodate everyone comfortably. Instead of flagging down taxis or worrying about subway connections, you'll be able to explore these historical sites at a more leisurely apartment rentals edmonton pace thanks to Prestige Car Rental and our fleet of quality rentals.

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