воскресенье, 27 октября 2013 г.

Since there's going to be 4 of you sleeping in the trailer and staying inside in in-climate weather

I would be interested in hearing what people who have owned or been in the below eggs think about the layouts for a family of 4? It is myself, husband, and a 4 and 2 yr old. I had been just considering the casita until I realized that the 16' casita interior is too short for my 6'1 husband. So since we could only do the 17' casita , I decided I had better branch out or we are NEVER gonna find a used one! So I added the scamp # 7 to the list. Then just today I found a possible used one in our price range BUT it is a scamp plan #3. I spoke with the scamp sales people and they said that they felt for what we wanted, a #3 would not work. But when I spoke with the very nice and down to earth seller, she said she felt a #3 would work fine. Our needs are this: I want to be able to leave the double bed down all the time for hubby and myself, I need a place for 4 and 2 yr old to sleep and preferably not on the floor, and I would like some sort of table where 4 and 2 yr old can be fed when needed (hence the wish for a side dinette), and we don't need a bathroom at all. This gal said she felt the fold down table in scamp #3 would work fine for a 4 and 2 yr old to be fed at, but the scamp people said there was really no place to sit at that table so..... AND to make it most complicated, this #3 is about 900!! miles from us so I need to be darn sure it is a good choice before making that trek!
I do not know about the Casita, but from your description of how you want to use the trailer the 7 layout seems the best to me. If you go for the more common 3 layout chingy holiday inn mp3 you will have to put the table up every day. Join the frustrated group of us who do that. You and your husband will also have to share that small bed you make every day.
From my observation and use of my 13' Scamp, most people spend more time outside than inside. I totally agree on the non-bathroom. As for wishing to NOT make the switch between bed and dinette each day. One of ways to make that transition easier is to use sleeping bags instead of sheets and blankets. It takes us about 2 minutes to make the change. The sleeping bags are stored under the street side bench and go into stuff bags. No rolling or folding, just stuff the sleeping bag in the stuff bag and stow.
Since there's going to be 4 of you sleeping in the trailer and staying inside in in-climate weather the side dinette might not be of much use. When we took our then 6 year old with us she really enjoyed sleeping and playing on the top bunk. A simple chingy holiday inn mp3 railing can be made from PVC pipe. I think I have pictures someplace.
Fact is, you will be using a picnic chingy holiday inn mp3 table most of the time, and the dinette is not so hard to deal with when the weather demands it. You might actually need the counter space on the #3 more than you need the extra seat. I raised three kids and camped a lot with them and I think it's almost a wash with an edge toward the #3 over the #7.
I would take a piano hinge and a 1X2 piece of hardwood and make a fold down table extension to the side on the little front table. Then you could actually seat four... with 2 (or even three) on the couch and one or two on small folding stools.
oh yes I would definitely consider one, they look great. Except I doubt we could ever find a used one close to our price range. And by the time we could afford chingy holiday inn mp3 a new one there will be plenty of used ones!
oh yes I would definitely consider one, they look great. Except I doubt we could ever find a used one close to our price range. And by the time we could afford a new one there will be plenty chingy holiday inn mp3 of used ones!
oh yes I would definitely consider one, they look great. Except I doubt we could ever find a used one close to our price range. And by the time we could afford a new one there will be plenty of used ones!
In the past few years there's been several attempts to introduce new molded fiberglass trailers. As far as I can tell all have failed. The jury is still out on the two newest ones, we'll see in a couple of years if they manage to stay in the market. The price is on the high end, so doubt they'll last.
We have a 2005 16' Scamp with the Side Dinette, chingy holiday inn mp3 Front Shower chingy holiday inn mp3 Head....we have used the side dinette when we had our daughter, her hubby their nearly year old son camping two years ago (not all in the Scamp - they had a rented Aliner; we used it to eat in most times). We were able to have him in eat at the table, we have used a stool to get 3 of us at the table at times.
You might want to look at some of the non-fiberglass TTs, prices might be easier to live with and more of them out there and some offer better room for a growing family. IMHO.... Going Small - Many Models to Choose From.
I do not know about the Casita, but from your description of how you want to use the trailer the 7 layout seems the best to me. If you go for the more common 3 layout you will have to put the table up every day. Join the frustrated group of us who do that. You and your husband will also have to share that small bed you make every day.
Just a comment chingy holiday inn mp3 about kids in the bunk beds. We rented a UHaul 13 (back when they came out in the mid '80s) and vacationed with it for about a week. Our kids, a boy and a girl, were about 4 and 5, or 5 and 6 then. We put the older one, our son, in the upper bunk (it would have been too scary to the young girl to be so high). One night our son rolled out of bed in the middle of the night and hit the floor, shaken but unharmed. I (personally) would not do it again unless I could modify the bunks somehow with a raised lip to keep the kids in the bunks.
With kids I would still want the traditional dining chingy holiday inn mp3 room table put up for the kids to sit and use for eating and drawing. Can not quite visualize how useful that extra table would be for anything other than food prep, but then I have never seen one. It is not a common chingy holiday inn mp3 configuration.
Completely agree Mike-- (reminds of my friend's chingy holiday inn mp3 3 yr old who rolled chingy holiday inn mp3 off the end of their pup bed into a pile of brush b/c they forgot chingy holiday inn mp3 to hook the canvas chingy holiday inn mp3 underneath --also unharmed and sorta funny now but very scary at the time...) We would get one of those detachable rails you can put on the side of a kids toddler bed. Kind of like a tennis net but more sturdy! Only problem is the 4 yr old would have to wake up if she had to get down to go in the middle of the night.

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