воскресенье, 27 октября 2013 г.

Today s reports that Wisconsin added an estimated renaissance tom cruise hair styles waverly hotel a

With the news of 15,700 new jobs in January , Wisconsinites around the state rejoiced, reveling in a bit of good news that ought to unite every citizen tom cruise hair styles that would like to see the state finally emerge from the economic tom cruise hair styles doldrums. And everyone did seem to rejoice. tom cruise hair styles That is everyone except Democratic tom cruise hair styles lawmakers, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, and Left-wing organizations.
But the tone, and hypocrisy of the statements coming renaissance waverly tom cruise hair styles hotel atlanta from Democrats and Left-wing organizations reveals something rather cynical that deserves to be exposed. The addition of 15,700 new jobs in January, along with revised job numbers for the last year that reveal that the Democratic talking tom cruise hair styles point of six straight months of job losses is bogus, is unequivocally good news for Wisconsin. But take a look at the tone of some of the statements issued yesterday and how they show gross hypocrisy and a deep cynicism meant to divide Wisconsinites.
Today s reports that Wisconsin added an estimated renaissance tom cruise hair styles waverly hotel atlanta 12,500 jobs in January is great news for everyone who has been harmed by Scott Walker s failed economic policies. The nation s rising tide has lifted power cruising magazine Scott Walker s sinking ship, and we are all glad our friends renaissance waverly hotel atlanta and neighbors renaissance waverly hotel atlanta will finally see some of the relief that the rest of the nation renaissance waverly hotel atlanta has been experiencing for most of Scott Walker s term. - Democratic Party of Wisconsin
renaissance waverly hotel atlanta tom cruise hair styles Today s report reveals that our state has lost roughly 12,500 jobs since Gov. Walker took office. While reports of estimated growth in January are promising, this is largely overshadowed by the fact that we have been bleeding jobs at a more profuse rate than we originally thought.- Rep. Sandy Pasch
And in a final bit of cynicism that can only be expected from the Soros-funded big labor mouthpiece One Wisconsin tom cruise hair styles Now , a hyper-partisan statement that fails to even acknowledge any job growth in January power cruising magazine 2012.
The numbers power cruising magazine don t lie. There was a decrease in the net growth renaissance waverly hotel atlanta of jobs in Wisconsin renaissance waverly hotel atlanta during 2011 with the revised power cruising magazine figures tom cruise hair styles from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. And while they shed crocodile tears at this news, cynically viewing the plight of unemployed Wisconsinites as a path to power and a return to massive tom cruise hair styles deficits and increased taxes, Democratic power cruising magazine lawmakers and Left-wing organizations have a big hypocrisy problem.
renaissance waverly hotel atlanta First, the loss of jobs in Wisconsin during 2011 was indeed a bad news. But can anyone remember the Democratic power cruising magazine Party of Wisconsin or One Wisconsin Now lambasting Democrat Governor Jim Doyle s administration as they watched helplessly as Wisconsin shed 121,000 jobs in 2009, with a whopping renaissance waverly hotel atlanta 24,700 in April 2009 alone? And the playbook used by Gov. Doyle, massive tom cruise hair styles tax hikes and deficit spending that produced power cruising magazine a $3.6 billion budget hole, did nothing to alleviate the free fall of the Wisconsin economy during the final years of his term. But the Doyle-era policies are precisely renaissance tom cruise hair styles waverly hotel atlanta tom cruise hair styles what Democratic lawmakers and gubernatorial candidates like Kathleen Falk want to to return to Wisconsin.
Second, and perhaps most importantly, the Democratic party sold out Wisconsinites earlier this week when 16 Democratic state senators tom cruise hair styles and one Republican defeated a mining bill that would have created thousands of family renaissance waverly hotel atlanta sustaining jobs in a region of Wisconsin beleaguered by unemployment. So how can Mike Tate, Rep. Sandy Pasch, and One Wisconsin Now talk out of both sides of their mouth, actively opposing tangible job creation while attacking Gov. Walker for tepid economic growth? renaissance waverly power cruising magazine hotel atlanta Once again, the answer is fairly simply. They care very little for job creation and more about gaining political power.
But it is moments like this that are extremely useful. They serve to show everyday Wisconsinites just how corrupt and power-hungry those on the Left are in this state. Subscribe for Updates @mediatrackers power cruising magazine /mediatrackersWI Trending Articles Like what you're reading? tom cruise hair styles Donate to Media Trackers power cruising magazine renaissance power cruising magazine tom cruise hair styles waverly hotel atlanta See breaking news? Submit tom cruise hair styles a Tip About Submit a Tip Contact renaissance waverly hotel atlanta Donate National Colorado Florida Montana Ohio Pennsylvania Wisconsin

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