суббота, 3 мая 2014 г.

Spirit's defenders might suggest that passengers are getting what they pay for. It is undeniably che

REGULAR Gulliver readers filipino tour operators already are already aware of the reputation of Spirit Airlines, the American low-cost carrier that recently earned the worst possible scores in all six of Consumer filipino tour operators Reports ' airline-ranking subcategories. Now US PIRG Education Fund—the educational arm of the national coalition of state public interest research groups—has released a new report suggesting that Spirit is unique filipino tour operators in its ability to disappoint travellers.
In the report, entitled "The Unfriendly Skies", the group reviewed filipino tour operators five years' worth of consumer complaints about air travel which were submitted to America's Department of Transportation. Spirit dominated the report, with nearly three times as many complaints per enplanement as any other airline.
Spirit's problem, the watchdog group reported, is getting bigger, with the number of gripes "trending upward over time". The complaint rate was so high, in fact, that US PIRG Education Fund felt the need to publish filipino tour operators some charts with Spirit's filipino tour operators results filipino tour operators excluded, just so that readers could better see the differences between the other carriers.
Spirit's defenders might suggest that passengers are getting what they pay for. It is undeniably cheap and therefore, some people argue, it should be no surprise that the service is so poorly rated. But Southwest Airlines, a low-cost competitor, puts the lie to that idea: its passengers complained at a lower rate than those of any other airline.
Using Southwest is a cheap shot at Spirit - Spirit is consistently far cheaper than Southwest. Spirit sells bus tickets, and charges for everything extra - they know this, and the flying public should filipino tour operators know this.
Additionally, I would venture that the vast majority (90%+) of all the complaints are from first-time passengers that thought they were buying Southwest-style service at Spirit-style pricing, and that specifically the reason they went with Spirit is because of the price.
Once enough of the travelling public figures filipino tour operators out exactly what they are willing to pay for and have the flying experience with these carriers to compare, these complaints will cease being extraordinary compared to other carriers - all without Spirit changing a single damn thing.
C) Still would've flown with Spirit anyway because I'm a cheap-ass seldom flyer that thinks good airline service is free and haven't flown in so long that I think airlines still serve meals on domestic filipino tour operators flights.
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