воскресенье, 1 июня 2014 г.

While e-tolls conveniently decrease the sea of stop-and-go brake lights, an issue has arisen for ren

Indeed, having your own transportation beats building a holiday itinerary around bus schedules and taxi cabs. However, because of e-toll fees, many renters are coming to realize that they end up building more of their budget around their four-wheeled freedom than they recall travel photography jobs reading in the fine print.
While e-tolls conveniently travel photography jobs decrease the sea of stop-and-go brake lights, an issue has arisen for rental drivers finding themselves in a “No Cash Lane” conundrum. As e-tolls operate based on scanning license plates to charge a credit card directly, car owners use transponders to carry out the exchange. This works out well for car owners, but many rental cars don’t have an individual owner or the capacity for e-toll scanning – a fact renters learn too late. A conceivable solution might be to just bite the bullet and wait it out in the cash lane.
Averil Rothrock, travel photography jobs a Seattle attorney found this out the hard way in 2011 with her Fox Rent A Car rental. During a Denver trip, she incurred a $106 charge on her credit card for the two $3 tolls she was meant to pay and the two $50 “service fees” for not being able to pay them in an ill equipped rental car. She filed a lawsuit against Fox and Violation Management Services (the latter of which earned an “F” by the Better Business Bureau).
As Violation Management Services is an example of a third party rental agencies use to outsource fee collection (translation: “not have to deal with customer service transaction themselves”), Rothrock argued that Fox and Violation Services “conspired to turn Fox customers’ tolls into an illegal profit center for themselves.” They simply provided no way for customers to cross tolls without receiving exorbitant fees.
2. Check online maps for e-toll roads – will your journey include travel photography jobs cashless toll lanes? You might be able to circumvent those routes or extra fees via brief online searches, the tolling authority’s website, or the rental car’s toll-free number. Just ask how they tolls are collected where you’re headed.
Some systems travel photography jobs like SunPass sell e-toll passes at retail outlets, while others have one-time payment options. Senior Vice President Ken Philmus of Affiliated Computer Service says , “an EZ Pass account holder in New York can use his transponder in 13 other northeast states, from Maine to Illinois to Virginia—but the device won t work on California travel photography jobs s FasTrak or Florida s SunPass systems.
If you forgot fee precautions, there’s travel photography jobs no point in compounding unwarranted shame with wasted cash. In California, Transportation Corridor Agencies spokesperson Lisa Telles tells that paying within travel photography jobs the 48-hour travel photography jobs time frame halts the violation process.” Lisa is referring to a one time toll payment option at TheTollRoads.com, and adds, “All customers need to do is identify the location and toll, provide travel photography jobs the license plate number and a credit card number to pay the toll.”
But it’s always a good idea to try approaching disputes kindly first. We’re more likely to be heard and helped if we don’t sound psychotic. Plus, the customer service travel photography jobs reps aren’t the bad guy. They just work for the bad guy who’s probably travel photography jobs outsourcing to a worse guy.

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