суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

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It really affects vacation rentals big bear their lives when they lose their licence their independence, their ability to get around, Drysdale said in an interview. I support them keeping their licences as long as they can, but as minister of transportation, I also have to balance that with safety on the roads.
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Leadership rival Ric McIver, the former transportation minister, said earlier this year it was a mistake to force seniors to take a computerized examination when many are unfamiliar with the technology. At a campaign appearance at an Edmonton seniors facility on May 28, he vowed to scrap Driveable.
Liberal MLA David Swann, a medical doctor, said he supports the concept of independent assessments of the ability of senior citizens to drive safely, but it needs to be evidence-based, include both physical and cognitive components, and include a road test.
I would hope that part of the assessment is an in-car practical review of how they are handling driving situations in the real world, he said. Without that, I don t think it s possible to do a fair assessment of anyone s ability to drive and be safe.
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