четверг, 28 июня 2012 г.

In summer of 2008, I rented an apartment in Orvieto, Italy, one of Umbria's beautiful hill towns. My

This, along with those damn pappatacis (no see ums) are the primary reasons I escape Italy in the summer. America might have a lot of faults, but freezing holiday rental car coupons your ass off at home in air conditioned bliss, when it s close to 100 degrees outside is NOT one of them.... Reply Delete Replies Elizabeth Heath June 21, 2012 10:02 AM
Ciao from Roma! I think the Romans gave up their neck scarves this week. This is our first summer in Italy, so our mantra has become What the H are we going to do in August if it s this hot now? Grazie a Dio, we have A/C at home and work! Laurel Reply Delete Replies Elizabeth Heath June 22, 2012 9:16 AM
Eh Laurel...I ve vowed to stay out of Rome in July and August, but I have a young nephew visiting holiday rental car coupons so will have to suck it up and come down anyway...I think our first stop will be your apartment! A/C! Music to my ears!!!! :) Thank you for reading! Delete Reply Add comment Load more...
In summer of 2008, I rented an apartment in Orvieto, Italy, one of Umbria's beautiful hill towns. My goal was to determine if I really wanted to move to Italy, and if so, how I could do so. Would I be happy here, happier than in the US? How would I make a living? How hard would it be to legally reside in Italy? Moreover, at 41, and after half a lifetime of disappointing romances, I was determined to find a way to be happy being alone.
Instead, holiday rental car coupons on the 4th of July of that summer, I met Paolo, and a whirlwind holiday rental car coupons romance ensued in my few remaining weeks in Italy. In May of 2009, I moved to be with him in Allerona, a tiny medieval village about 20 minutes from Orvieto. We married in September of that year. In November of 2011, at 45 years of age, I gave birth to our daughter, and my first child.
This blog is dedicated to the funny, interesting, and occasionally bittersweet aspects holiday rental car coupons of my life in Italy. And I hope it serves as a reminder to readers that dreams do come true, especially holiday rental car coupons when you least expect them to.

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