среда, 2 января 2013 г.

Threatening violence is so easy cheap and look what it gets you cancellation of your enemie s speech

The Preserving Freedom Conference, scheduled for Nov. 11 at the top-rated Hutton Hotel in Nashville, Tenn., features Robert Spencer, author and director of Jihad Watch, and Pamela Geller, a WND columnist, editor of the blog Atlas Shrugs and author of the book  Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.  WND is a co-sponsor of the conference.
Sessions planned for the conference include The European Experience with Shariah, Religious Persecution Under Shariah, The Dehumanization and Diminishment of Women in the West Under Shariah, The Muslim Brotherhood In America and Fighting Islamist Propaganda in the Media.
Islam is a threat to every american.These people want to change our way of life.There are no good muslims, home grown taught budget rental cars in oahu us that.We will end up fighting in this country. As far as the hotels that refuseal of any one critical of Islam,need their hotels boycotted, they are an gutless bunch of weasels,that should be run out of this country,for begin unamericans.No doubt ther are forginers.
Between the gays and muslims, who will control America? budget rental cars in oahu The gay agenda is being pushed in the schools and the muslims want private Catholic schools to provide a place to pray where there are no crosses. Think about it. The minorities have rights because they fight for them.
Threatening violence is so easy cheap and look what it gets you cancellation of your enemie s speech kind of like a bomb hoax you can clear out a school or an amusment park. There ought to be severe penalites for this violation of the right to free speech and assembly! It s too bad people like the cowardly Mr. Eckley reward this behavior by caving it to the fear generated. Give employees the right to decline to come to work that day, beef up security, openly declare that such persons will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but take a stand and potentially even a hit for America!! Some things budget rental cars in oahu are more important than making a profit. 5000 young Americans gave their lives fighting radical Islam in foreign lands and you re going to let them win by default here at home?? That s an outrage nobody should use your hotels! Oh, and BTW, put out a reward for information leading to the arrest conviction of persons making these threats let s turn the heat up on them (and I don t care if they re just a prankster let them do hard time!)
mesoir Dave up to clean up the room he takes a brown paper bag, and inserts both dildos in to said bag. and cleans the room, after he is done he goes to house keeping puts them into lost and found and after 90 days goe by he claims said dildo s as his own and takes them to there new found home, this is some the people who work in this industry, as I found out you want a hooker contact the front door man, a good club to go to or some place to eat contact him etc.
Rise up America and expose Islam for what it really is,a religion of persecution, domination, intolerance, totalitarian in nature, and it is most diffinitly incompatible with our laws and our Constitution. Don t be fooled by the hogwash that Islam is a peaceful religion, or those Muslims who claim to be Americans. They re nothing more than plants by the Muslim Brotherhood to mislead Americans so they can infiltrate our court systems with Shariah law. Why would Muslims come here to live the Amercan dream, and still maintain the Ialamic religion and it s way of life? The truth is, they re not here to live the American dream, but to replace it with the Islamic religion and Shariah law. Islam is a cancer and must be eradicated from America. For that to happen Muslims must denonce Islam for another religion, hopefully Christianity, which means they put their lives in jeopardy.That s how peaceful the Islamic religion really is. If Muslims wish to live here, then they must adhere to our laws and Constitution, not their own..

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