понедельник, 1 июля 2013 г.
The critical moment came when City Attorney Marsha Moutrie requested that the council make a choice:
CITY HALL — A small wording change in a recently approved law lowering rent and income limits cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas on Santa Monica's affordable housing supply may make a big difference cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas for developers with housing projects working their way through the public process, developers say.
The City Council passed an ordinance on June 11 that would lower the amount that property owners could charge for affordable cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas units by between 20 and 25 percent, a proposal that came with the backing of the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles and met little resistance from development interests.
However, a last-minute change from the dais may mean those lower limits apply to projects almost done with their development agreements that never believed they may take the extra hit on project revenues, and didn't calculate it into the costs.
The critical cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas moment came when City Attorney Marsha Moutrie requested cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas that the council make a choice: Did they want the ordinance to become effective for those development agreements that had not yet been voted on by the council, or those that had not yet been approved?
The answer was the latter, and the measure — which still must go through a second reading — could mean that projects like one recently cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas approved on Second Street may have to lower their expectations in terms of income from their development.
That development cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas had proposed eight affordable cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas units consisting of five very-low income one-bedroom units and three low-income studios which, prior to the change, could have brought in roughly $6,961 per month in rent.
In the past, Santa Monica officials based their rent levels on a benchmark income of $84,300 for a family of four. The limit used in Los Angeles is based on the area's median income, cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas or $64,800 for a family of four, said Denise McGranahan, an attorney with the Legal Aid Foundation.
Rents for low-income, very low-income and moderate households are calculated using percentages of that baseline, meaning that the higher dollar amount cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas used by Santa Monica drove up the cost of affordable housing.
That's important because the vast majority of people cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas waiting for affordable housing in Santa Monica are looking for those lower income standards. Only 1 percent cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas want moderately-priced housing, which, according to a report, is practically market rate.
Affordable housing has been a major topic of conversation in Santa Monica in recent years, particularly after the loss of the Redevelopment Agency, an entity funded by local taxes that poured millions into the creation of affordable housing in the city.
Voters also passed Proposition R in 1990, a measure that required that 30 percent of the housing built in the city meet local affordability standards for low- and moderate-income families, with at least half falling into the low-income category.
City Council members have identified that mix as problematic, largely because apartments at the moderate-income affordability limit under the old standards were almost equivalent in price to market-rate housing.
Officials hope that will be corrected by projects approved, but not completed, in the same year. The majority of affordable units in those developments qualify as low-income apartments, according to the report.
There are active building permits for 723 residences in 37 multifamily developments, 53 percent of which are affordable with 282 aimed at low- and very-low income households. It's almost impossible to predict how many of those will be ready at the end of this fiscal year, according to the report.
Affordable housing continues to be a controversial topic in the city, with some grumbling that it brings the wrong element to town, particularly cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas in the aftermath of recent shootings in the Pico Neighborhood.
"Government mandated low-income housing is an artifice to distract attention from the consequences of a failed economic model," said Wes Wellman, president of the Action cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas Apartment Association, which represents landlords locally.
"The housing produced is inconsequential relative to the demand and merely cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas serves to make lottery winners of the few who obtain it and to allow policy makers to boast of their commendable enterprises," he continued.
not only that, Brenda, but I keep spouting the same thing: Why so many LOW INCOME units in a city where it is impossible to find ANYTHING else low income (groceries, clothing, pharmacies, cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas gas, TAXES, etc)???
Everything in Santa Monica is OVERPRICED, why would anyone want to live here (except for the ones already CHEATING the government???). Far too much is financially out-of-bounds to your (average) low-income citizen, although cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas we do have many who are living off of the fat-of-the-land who are buying homes north of Wilshire for their children driving brand new cars dripping with jewelry and the finest! They don t speak English, nor will they ever bother to.
Planners cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas are wakening cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas up to the realization that entire cities are becoming gated enclaves where the one per cent network and drive national policies. Some of those planners are saying oops, sorry, we didn t realize it was happening , but others are staying quiet and hope nobody cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas notices until it is too late to stop.
This is moving chairs around the Titanic decks. Makes no difference at all. First, the City does not enforce development agreement restrictions and usually refuses to let affected people cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas do so. What is put in DAs is all more BS pretending developers are paying community benefits in return for being allowed to rape the public by putting up ugly 5-story buildings that even half-empty, give them enormous profits and allow them to pay off the Council for permitting them. Second, affordability of rents for these units is ridiculous. A studio apartment for a VERY LOW income person as the City defines it, costs over $700 a month in rent. No truly poor person can afford that, and there is less and less public reimbursement, so those apts would be empty unless developers played games renting them to relatives cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas and children of their cronies and such. Trust-fund babies all have these. Third, the income limits are outrageous, so even if people actually follow the rules, no poor people are ever going to live in these apts. A family of four can make over $60,000 a year and be called low income. The devil is in the details and the spin. The Council cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas is bought and paid for.
CITYWIDE — A spate of shootings ripped through the Santa Monica community in early June, putting youth and gun violence squarely back into the limelight after several years of relative calm. All three incidents — which began June 7 with a shooting rampage that left six dead including the shooter and ended with two more injured cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas and one dead in unrelated cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas shootings by the end of the following Tuesday — happened within the boundaries of the Pico Neighborhood, the poor [...]
Debate about development in Santa Monica is usually centered on the large projects that threaten to increase traffic and congestion and radically change our neighborhoods. Small developments often go unnoticed except for the immediate neighbors who have to deal with their fallout. An example of that is the refurbishment of the 1927-era Embassy Hotel and Apartments cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas at the corner of Third Street and Washington Avenue purchased recently by Paligroup, a developer of vintage, hip, boutique hotels. Renamed the Palihouse, it's [...]
Dear EarthTalk: What is the gist of President Obama's new plan to tackle global warming and how does the green community feel about what the White House is proposing? — Bill Kemp, Seattle, Wash. In what's being billed as the greatest environmental initiative cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas of his presidency, Barack Obama announced on June 25, 2013 that his administration is instituting stringent mandatory restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions by power plants, cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas factories and other industrial sources. These sources combined account for roughly [...]
Editor: We can end tuition at UCLA and SMC, and all public colleges and universities, for California residents, with either of two new taxes that will not cost 99 percent of taxpayers anything. One: An oil severance tax. California is the only major oil producing state without one. In 2006, oil companies spent $100 million to defeat an oil tax initiative. Two: An asset tax on the super-rich 1 percent who own(s) 99 percent of the assets. When Pat Brown [...]
Editor: In a June 21, 2013 editorial, the Daily Press questions the wisdom of conducting a survey to determine how residents feel about development in Downtown ("Aren't they listening at City Hall?" June 22-23). The editor wonders why the opinions expressed by those who have attended recent public meetings are not a sufficient gauge of where the community stands. We are not survey research experts, but we have been observers of and participants in Santa Monica public meetings for many [...]
EASTSIDE — Past desks covered with extreme sports magazines and refrigerators stocked with energy drinks, a small isolation booth has been erected smack dab in the middle of Red Bull's airy offices on Stewart Street near Olympic Boulevard. It's not for hosting meetings or employee breaks. It's for playing video games — very competitive video games. The beverage company's North American cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas headquarters played host recently to the chummy Red Bull Training Grounds ahead of this weekend's Major League Gaming Spring cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas [...]
The old catch phrase for fast food restaurants in the 1980s used to be: Where's the beef? The commercials featured an elderly cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas woman who stood at the counter holding open a giant hamburger bun exposing a tiny, dried-out beef patty. Now a more environmentally conscious cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas generation is asking, where does the beef come from? More people are calling for a higher quality food product that is healthful and sustainable. Fortunately, these two aspects in food production have merged together to [...]
PCH — Most people wouldn't travel down the Pacific cheap airline specials from gulfport to vegas Coast Highway on skateboards while flying a huge American flag. But then again, Andrew Goldsmith and Bob Harington aren't most peop
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