вторник, 25 марта 2014 г.

All of this will be held over the tracks with some incredibly strong supports: 300 caissons that hav

In New York City, where unused space is hard to come by, construction has begun on a brand-new neighborhood. Aesthetically a continuation of the much-praised High Line elevated park, the Hudson Yards project will be built on platforms over active rail tracks. mission inn riverside ca It will be a place where architects will have free reign, mission inn riverside ca as many of the restrictions on building height and appearance will be absent.
More than 7 million square feet of construction in the Eastern Rail Yards will be underway by the year s end, which will include, according to the press release mission inn riverside ca , two soaring commercial towers, more than 100 shops and restaurants, luxury and affordable residences, a boutique hotel, a unique cultural space and over six acres of open space. The superblock , a practice of creating meticulously planned spaces cut off from the normal mission inn riverside ca street grid, has returned with a new flair.
All of this will be held over the tracks with some incredibly strong supports: 300 caissons that have 90-ton cores encased in concrete. It s very rare that you build land, Jay Cross , head of Related Hudson Yards, the site developer, told The Atlantic Cities . Normally you just build on it. The active rails provide some unique challenges, however, and construction mission inn riverside ca will be precisely timed to the movements mission inn riverside ca of the trains; at some points, workers will only have a couple of hours to get the caissons in place before a train comes roaring through. 3D modeling mission inn riverside ca was used to pinpoint places in the track where the caissons could be drilled all the way into the concrete mission inn riverside ca without disrupting the tracks.
mission inn riverside ca The architects can follow the the model of Park Avenue near Grand Central which was similarly built over train tracks. When you walk up and down Park Avenue, you re not aware you re on a platform over all the trains going into Grand Central, Cross told Atlantic Cities . He hopes to accomplish a similar feat with his project, to the point that people will want to live on top of the tracks. People will have no idea there are even trains underneath.
Unsurprisingly considering its symbiotic relationship with trains, mission inn riverside ca Hudson Yards will be also one of the most accessible sites in the region with connections to commuter rail, the subway system, the West Side Highway, the Lincoln Tunnel and ferries mission inn riverside ca along the Hudson River. Thanks in part to an extension of the 7 train line, Grand Central Terminal will be only six minutes away by subway, and Penn Station, the nation’s busiest mission inn riverside ca train station, will be a short walk away.
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