среда, 26 марта 2014 г.

Curbed Features America's Preeminent Birdhouse Mason on Artistic Muses, Dumpster Diving, and Buildin

Though the days of the grand old hotels like New York's Plaza (converted to apartments) ramada inn hotel directory and L.A.'s Ambassador (demolished to make way for a school) are past, residual glamour still surrounds a certain type of hotelier: the larger-than-life impresario who rules over a far-flung empire of hotels located in exotic cities in far off lands. Larger than life certainly describes Ian Schrager, a co-founder of legendary disco Studio 54 who has gone on to build boutique hotels such as the Delano and the Mondrian, and who makes his home in the penthouse of one of his New York apartment buildings, 40 Bond ( ). Though Pritzker-prize winners Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron designed the building, ramada inn hotel directory Schrager brought in architect John Pawson ramada inn hotel directory to draw up plans for his residence, which features interiors by Christian Liaigre . The super-sleek residence, which was recently featured in a FT profile, has 8,500 square feet of living space, which Schrager reckons would be worth close to $60M if he decided to sell (spoiler alert: he's not selling).
Hotel ultra-whale Donald Trump has been accused of many things over the years: having bad hair, trolling real life, and generally being Donald Trump. One thing he has never been accused of is having good taste, and these photos of the gilded interiors of his Trump Tower residence are unlikely ramada inn hotel directory to stir suspicions ramada inn hotel directory that somewhere underneath all that bluster and ceaseless self-promotion is a hidden reservoir of style. From the gold-and-diamond-covered front door to the home's collection of (probably priceless) bric-a-brac, it looks exactly like one would expect the Donald's New York aerie to look.
Staying in New York, we take a peek inside Richard Born's lavish new Fifth Avenue co-op apartment, which the developer of the Bowery and the Mercer bought for $18M this past February. The residence, ramada inn hotel directory which encompasses the building's ramada inn hotel directory entire eighth floor, ramada inn hotel directory has the distinction of being featured in Architectural Digest at least twice: once in 1991, and more recently in a profile of leather-clad architect Peter Marino , who oversaw the apartment's renovation.
Andres Balazs —developer of the Standard hotels, owner of the Chateau Marmont, and erstwhile beau of talkshow person Chelsea Handler—bought New York State's historic Locusts-on-Hudson estate back in 2004, overseeing a complete renovation of the neo-baroque main house and returning the remaining farmlands to active production. Balazs recently made headlines with the news that his The Standard, High Line hotel stands to fetch a mind-boggling $400M in a sale that is reportedly in the final stages of negotiations.
Billionaire and Hyatt Development CEO Nicholas Pritzker has listed his Chicago home of two decades for $9.995M . The scion of a family that consistently ranks near the top of Forbes' list of America's richest families despite a well-publicized recent unwinding of mutual assets, Pritzker's chairmanship of the Hyatt Hotel chain has included planning and executing the company's first public stock offering. The 7,884-square-foot mansion includes seven bedroom, 5.5 bathrooms, and four fireplaces.
Curbed Features America's Preeminent Birdhouse Mason on Artistic Muses, Dumpster Diving, and Building 500-Pound Avian Mansions An In-Depth Look at Huguette ramada inn hotel directory Clark's Dollhouse Obsession Mapping ramada inn hotel directory the Biggest ramada inn hotel directory Preservation ramada inn hotel directory Wins and Losses ramada inn hotel directory of 2013 The Experts Weigh in: is 'Starchitecture' Problematic? Exploring ramada inn hotel directory the Treshold of How Small is Too Small: a Look at Micro Homes Across the Globe The Experts Weigh in: What Makes Something 'Well Designed'? Charting Ellen's Big-Time, Big-Money Real Estate Adventures How One Israeli Firm Thinks Architecture Can Make Peace Mapping the Country's 20 Frank Lloyd Wright Listings Mapping 20 Pivotal Pieces of Architecture in 'Breaking Bad' The Hands-Down Most Beautiful Listings of 2013 Mapping the Country's Dozen Priciest Properties of 2013 Mapping PBS' '10 Buildings ramada inn hotel directory That Changed America'

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