пятница, 6 марта 2015 г.

Home Contact Email SNL Social Media Subscribe Gallery Annie Anderson Photography Get Involved #Shark

Home Contact Email SNL Social Media Subscribe Gallery Annie Anderson Photography Get Involved #SharkArmy Leaders of the #SharkArmy Support Tell me more! Where to start? Shop Clothing Gallery SharksNeedLove Clothing
But due to the #SharksNeedLove Gang tweeting The Hilton have removed it!!! (Good in one sense as they noticed us!) Sneaky Sneeeeeeeeeeaky in another as they still sell it!! This is a Screen Shot which proves they had SharkFin airline reservation system on their site only a few weeks ago.
Say something like I understand from your website you sell SharkFin airline reservation system soup and on this basis I would like to bring your attention to many articles, confirming high levels of Mercury and much more. Would you like these links? Are you explaining this to your guests when they order? I look forward to your reply. (Copy and Paste this if you like?)
OR You could call them? Or find your local Hilton and visit them! (Ok that s bold but I know some of you are!) You could confront them or hand out SharkFinning Leaflets outside their building! Would LOVE to see pictures of this!!

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