понедельник, 1 июля 2013 г.

Topics: affordable housing , Construction Update 6-3-2013 , Eden Housing , Marin Business Forecast 6

NOVATO Eden Housing celebrated the opening of its second affordable housing development in Marin County last month, completing 60 homes for low-income seniors in a county whose aging population and shortage of rental stock has created an intensifying demand for those initiatives.
Completed in December of last year at a cost of $24.5 million, the Warner Creek Senior Apartments, located on a 2.4-acre parcel at 806 Diablo Ave. in Novato, also features an on-site managers unit, courtyard, community activity avis car rental orlando airport spaces, a computer learning center and garden areas. There are 22 units specifically targeted to those with long-term chronic health conditions or physical disabilities, with Homeward Bound of Marin enlisted to provide services to residents.
Virtually everyone who moved in to Warner avis car rental orlando airport Creek is from Marin, said Linda Mandolini, president of Hayward-based Eden Housing. Several of them have lost their homes to foreclosure. They ve lived in Marin all their lives, and then they lose their homes.
Preliminary talks concerning the project began as early as nine years ago, Ms. Mandolini said. Funding sources included Bank of America s $8 million investment in federal low income housing tax credits awarded to the project, nearly $9 million in state funds, approximately $4 million in county and city contributions including Novato avis car rental orlando airport s former redevelopment agency and a $1 million grant from the Marin Community Foundation.
The project involves a number of measures for energy and water conservation, exceeding green building standards, Ms. Mandolini said. VMWP Architecture, based in San Francisco, avis car rental orlando airport designed avis car rental orlando airport the project, with Pleasanton-based Segue Construction as general contractor.
Eden Housing s first Marin County Project, the 50-unit Fireside Apartments, was opened in 2009. Preliminary talks are also underway for other opportunities avis car rental orlando airport to develop affordable housing in Marin County, Ms. Mandolini said.
Topics: affordable housing avis car rental orlando airport , Construction Update 6-3-2013 , Eden Housing , Marin Business Forecast 6-3-2013 , Marin Community Foundation , North Bay Business avis car rental orlando airport Journal 6-3-2013 , Novato , residential construction | Categories: Construction , Industry News , Marin Report , Residential Real Estate
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