суббота, 3 августа 2013 г.

And I m learning more deeply about what it means not to do, or to have, but to be. Careful, darling,

Jude was impressed with the love and commitment it takes to play with such skill and emotion. It inspired him to take out his guitar. As he often does, he played his sweetly gravelly rendition of my favorite song: "Into the Mystic."
Hark, now hear the sailors guided washington dc tour cry Smell the sea and feel the sky Let your soul and spirit guided washington dc tour fly Into the mystic And when that fog horn blows I will be coming home And when the fog horn blows I want to hear it I don't have to fear it
Sea air drifted in through the open sliding glass door, the ocean ambiance reflecting this mariner song. And suddenly I realized the lyrics were speaking to me about my friend and mentor, Gabriele Rico . It would have been her 76th birthday that day. I'd just read an incredible guided washington dc tour piece by her daughter about how as she was dying, Gabriele said she was experiencing an "awakening." And that she felt no fear. ( I want to hear it, I don't have to fear it... )
I thought: Is this really enough? If I'm not going back to teaching, or raising kids, or going to therapy, guided washington dc tour or introducing guided washington dc tour bills to Congress...does my life have purpose? Do we have to have purpose--other than to let our soul and spirit fly?
Later, as Dave and I soaked in the pool and jacuzzi, I also soaked in thoughts of the abundance of loving friends and shiny cars and blue water and vast stretches of white sand, and wacky, colorful Venice Beach characters.
And I m learning guided washington dc tour more deeply about what it means not to do, or to have, but to be. Careful, darling, that sentiment may be profound but it is anti-American and soon you will be monitored big-time by Big Brother. Seriously, it is an important question and travel definitely facilitates--if guided washington dc tour not the answering--then the pondering. And the notion that it is enough to merely BE, rather than to possess and conquer, is really not part of American culture. We will all stay tuned for the answer when you come up with it. From Milan, guided washington dc tour Cathy
Kate, I think you and Dave are living examples of what life is all about: enjoying this fun ride we call LIFE. You re milking it, appreciating it, sharing it. I can t imagine a more purposeful and worthwhile endeavor. guided washington dc tour Inspired, Lee
In June 2013, my husband and I set out to explore the world. I am blogging about our adventures. The author of four books, I taught university-level writing for many years, and now I m an online writing coach.
* Write something that you want to read * From the Bookshelf: Talking about Hasbianism * Words are magic * Local Author Tells About Coming of Age * Blogtalk radio interview * "How do you see lady death?" * "Who was the first person you told about your book deal?" * Editeyes on the Writing Process * Kate's a Woman in Charge! * Marketing inspiration from a fellow writer * Profile of a Writer and Teacher

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