пятница, 2 августа 2013 г.

At the same time, Spirit has a separate animation mocking the latest Anthony Weiner scandal . The mo

Spirit Airlines is well known for their rather off beat take on the news , and this week the airline has once again published some rather interesting animations. For whatever reason, the world media has been absolutely fixated on the birth of the royal baby, and Spirit has jumped on the bandwagon to advertize $19.90 fares for $9 club members. The animation depicts a new born baby, complete with crown, being dropped out of a window, proclaiming The royal prince has arrived. with letters then dropping out of the text, transitioning to The royal price has dropped. Presented right on the Spirit.com home page, the animation may be a tad unsettling to some prospective passengers.
At the same time, Spirit has a separate animation mocking the latest Anthony Weiner scandal budget tour operators . The movie trailer style animation proclaims This summer, the weiner rises again. To the right of the text, a masked hot dog holding a cell phone is presented, and additional text appears, reading Carlos Danger in a Spirit Airlines production, with fake movie reviews scrolling across the bottom. This advertizement offers $24 off vacation packages.
It is no secret that Spirit is able to show Southpark-like style relevance in their advertizing, but their latest ads may be a bit much for some potential passengers. Let us know how you feel about these ads in the comments.
Following their time-honored budget tour operators tradition of using sales inspired by current events, Spirit's latest email sale recites one of the dozens of puns the sports media have come up with for the surname of breakout Knicks star Jeremy Lin.
NYCAviation is a worldwide aerospace news and resource organization for aviation enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. We specialize in publishing breaking news, insightful commentary and stellar photography covering all that happens not only in the world of commercial aviation, but the entire aerospace sector, including budget tour operators general aviation, military aviation and space. Read more

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