BBC - Blogs - TV blog - Flights And Fights: Inside The Low Cost Airlines
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Direct communication is in Ryanair's DNA. Chief executive Michael O'Leary , has an aversion to anything which interrupts what he calls "a culture of action" – including such new-fangled technology as voicemail.
I once called Howard Millar, the deputy chief executive and got this blunt message: rental sports cars ohio "You have been forwarded to a voicemail system. The person you are calling does not subscribe to this service. Goodbye."
"It sounds trivial but when I went to the catering company and said I wanted to sell coffee on the aeroplane, they said we don't have a way of selling coffee. Nobody has done it before... So I said, 'Let's rental sports cars ohio find a way of selling coffee.'"
In order to see this content you need to have both Javascript enabled rental sports cars ohio and Flash Installed. Visit BBC Webwise rental sports cars ohio for full instructions. If you're reading via RSS, you'll need to visit the blog to access this content
It hasn't always been like that between them. There was a legal dispute which O'Leary, characteristically, offered to settle with a race round Trafalgar Square - why waste the chance for some free publicity?
rental sports cars ohio the success of so called 'low cost airlines' is just due to their marketing skills and the naivety of people in falling for it. I'd rather call them "rip-off airlines'. I am glad to hear that charles miller was pleasently surprised to have a human voice and face to interact with him and that the company culture discourages emails and encourages face to face communication rather than emails. it would be nice if the same applied to their customers. rental sports cars ohio the experience is the reverse. mostly i am impressed by their ability to con people that they are getting a good deal, when in fact, most often, they are getting a worse deal in terms of money, convenience and service. the headline fare may (just may, as often is not) be relatively low, but when you add up all the charges and the real inconvenience to travel with them, people often end up paying much more than flying with regular airlines. their success is just due to people's willingness to believe they are getting a good deal despite all evidence to the contrary and to the companies in question ability to maintain this unfounded hype that they are 'low cost'. if people are happy to be conned, then good for them.
I fly regularly with Ryanair. I think the comments from massimo about customers' difficulties in contacting them is fair and I also think that the clever ruses to part you from your money, both in the booking process and on the plane are irritating - but suggesting that you almost invariably end up paying as much as flying with regular airlines is nonsense. If you decline all their insurance, priority boarding, car hire, lottery tickets, hold baggage (very expensive) and the rest and book well in advance, then you can pay very little indeed. If massimo has found the reverse, then I am very grateful, as by buying rental sports cars ohio whatever add-ons he/she has bought, he/she has helped keep the cost of MY flights down! Ryanair is often not a pleasant way to travel and the air stewards and stewardesses are frequently unimpressive but two things have kept me loyal - the low cost and the fact that they fly to small local airports that are actually closer rental sports cars ohio to where I want to be than the bigger airports used by the regular rental sports cars ohio airlines.
I watched with great interest the documentary on the dubiously named "low cost airlines". Mr O'Leary in my opinion embodied in his character everything that Ryan Air is - a thieving web based company. Recently Mr O'Leary sat with many of the airline CEO's making a case for a hub airport for London to compete with the likes of Schipol, Paris and Frankfurt. Clearly he has no interest whatsoever in that coming to fruition and consequently rental sports cars ohio chooses to re-brand airports in some cases 125 KMS from the real city eg Paris Beauvais and Oslo Rygge. I have traveled on literally thousands of flights and thankfully only once on Ryan Air. It is the only time I have found myself saying rental sports cars ohio "I will never fly on this airline again". The whole vision of the company is not to provide cheap travel to the masses - its vision is quite clearly to maximise the potential to Mr O'Leary nothing more. He comes across as a man with absolutely no moral compass and I would hazard a guess that most of his employees would not have anything pleasant to say about him. Recently whilst waiting for a flight to Dubai I happened to be in ear shot of a mother and daughter who were travelling to Lanzarote on Ryan Air. They were both in tears because they had lost the boarding cards they'd rental sports cars ohio printed for their flight at home. They were charged £130 to re-print them by Ryan Air check-in staff/agents. What a lovely way Mr O'Leary to treat your passengers. It's called theft in my language and underpins the whole structure of the airline. And to think that whilst people are talking about you or making bad comments about your business Mr. O'Leary indicates that you are delusional. Wealthy of course - but not through business acumen just flagrant disrespect of an honourable aviation industry. Keep buying another 175 jets - your day will come.
Strangely enough, I used to hate Ryanair but I have changed. Now I fly them regularly. The reaction to Ryanair is strangely emotive but at the end of the day they cater to a need along with the other low cost airlines. Their staff seem just as pleasant as BA staff in many cases as long as one treats them as human beings. I also realised that its like a war they run their company on this manic cost cutting ethos. But they do it to their staff as well so the customers rental sports cars ohio and the crew are actually in the same boat (or plane!) as it were. Everyone is being "driven" to low costs. And everyone knows it. Pilots have to pay to apply for a job and they make money in all the nooks and crevices everyone else takes for granted. rental sports cars ohio No thanks, I wont take the insurance. No thanks, not the LOTTO, Electronic ciggies, horrible sandwich, sub standard coffee, etc etc unless I want to. But yes, I will book very early and fly my whole family from A to B and back around Europe for a fraction of the cost. And yes, I look at the legacy airlines, as they are sometimes cheaper or just a tad more then I will treat myself to BA or something like that, and appreciate it all the more. Like millions though, I savour the thought of the £3 flight or £16 all in flight for years after the holiday was over. As a regular on Monarch and Easyjet, I would say that Ryanair staff are on the whole just as pleasant, rental sports cars ohio if not more pleasant than the ones on Easyjet who seem to take it a tad seriously. And I have learn't to pack light! Ryanair also becomes strangely familiar. Boarding in Stanstead, Skavska, Paphos, Bratislava, Malaga or Madrid one is always rental sports cars ohio met by the practically identical 737 800 plane with its J20 drink add in Irish English, the totally comical and ridiculous rental sports cars ohio advertisement after landing claiming to be the most on time airline in Europe (when its clear they just extend the arrival times a little or at least it seems to me that way) and those deep dark durable blue leather seats and the bright yellow facia at the front. The bugle at the beginning means that people are making the bugle noise before the announcement is make. They get it. Its fun!! Then there are the new oh soh sexy Pan Am look alike uniforms and the EI (Ireland) registration on all planes with the Harp symbol and pretty soon you are talking attractive brand with its own brand of humor. Its a mixture rental sports cars ohio of low cost, ripoff and above all joke for profit which, once you get it is a lot of fun to fly. All they need to do now is rip out the three stupid rows at the front they ban people from sitting in unless they are full, put some luxury seating in and call this Caviar Class, and the joke would be complete. rental sports cars ohio I would not fly without them!
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