суббота, 3 августа 2013 г.

We welcome and read all letters from readers, and we salute those people willing to sign their names

We were certainly not alone. All of the passengers around us on our flight indicated that they would never use Spirit again because they (as mentioned in the article) felt duped. Unless you have access to a laundry at your destination or are "empowered" (as its website states) by its supposedly low fares to buy a new wardrobe upon arrival, by the time you add up the surreptitious charges san diego cheap motels for checked bags ($50 each at the airport), the total cost of a flight to DFW is approximately equal to that of a major carrier.
As far as my wife and I are concerned, Spirit's business model as an "ultra-low cost" carrier is based on the underhanded, cynical bait-and-switch. A more suitable name for Spirit would be "Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) Airlines".
To post a comment, log into your chosen social network and then add your comment below. Your comments are subject to our Terms of Service and the privacy policy and terms of service of your social network. If you do not want to comment san diego cheap motels with a social network, please consider writing a letter to the editor.
We welcome and read all letters from readers, and we salute those people willing san diego cheap motels to sign their names to their opinions. The letters chosen for publication are a representative sampling of the opinions shared with us. We include all published letters on this blog and encourage readers to engage in a civil debate: Attack ideas, if you like, but not one another.

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