среда, 28 августа 2013 г.

Recent Comments catherinemcmartin on I Just Can t Stomach Anymore Self Righteous Bullshit artemis6 o

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From toptenz.net - The sixties may be long gone but the hippies haven't. With alternative lifestyles air business class discount ticket which embraced peace, love and a whole lot of tripping out, the hippies had a profound influence on culture as we see it today. They still congregate in few corners of the world, practicing the ideals which they believe in and reliving the age which they so adamantly fought to keep alive. We look at some of these places where their spirit roams
Recent Comments catherinemcmartin on I Just Can t Stomach Anymore Self Righteous Bullshit artemis6 on Hippie Digest Friday; You re a hippie, I m a hippie Karl, the hippie minimalist Hippie Roots Hippie Papas William on Obama explains the FEMA Camps: What flavor is your Kool-Aid Eugene? Rev William Greyowl Snodgrass on Hippie Digest Friday; You re a hippie, I m a hippie Karl, the hippie minimalist Hippie Roots Hippie Papas Support Worldwide Hippies

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