четверг, 29 августа 2013 г.

The State Department is working closely with Congress to end the Cold-War-era Jackson-Vanik amendmen

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attends the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Russia s far eastern port city Vladivostok on September 8, 2012. Asia-Pacific leaders meet for annual trade talks, hoping to present adventure travel to africa a united adventure travel to africa front amid a gloomy world economy but with team spirit frayed by worsening territorial rows.
Vladivostok adventure travel to africa , the site of this year's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, is more than 5,000 miles from Moscow, seven times zones to the east. The word means "Ruler of the East" and the Russian government wants to make good on the promise of that name.
"When the decision was made that we would hold the chairmanship several years ago we thought that it would give a general boost to the whole region of Far East Russia," says Mikhail Kalugin, Acting Head of Economic Section at the Russian Embassy in Washington.
The Kremlin poured adventure travel to africa more than $20 billion into transforming Vladivostok for the summit. "Not just renovating the venue where this summit will be held," Kalugin says, "but we've invested lots of money in our infrastructure, in the city of Vladivostok and the Primorsky Krai region, including a new airport terminal, a railway from airport to the city, major improvements to the city infrastructure, new bridges, including bridge to Russky Island where the summit will be held."
"For Russia it's a very important adventure travel to africa decision to put more weight in our efforts in Asia-Pacific because, historically, economically and demographically and politically Russia has been a European nation and most of our trade is with the European Union and the major population centers are in the European part of Russia," the Russian Embassy's Senior Counselor, Alexey Y. Drobinin says. "So it's a tremendously important decision for us to boost our presence adventure travel to africa in Asia-Pacific and to engage more actively in integration efforts there."
The main result will be how much investment Russia will receive after the meeting and how the other economies will be ready to accept Russian investment, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov told reporters before the summit began.
adventure travel to africa "The World Bank, for example, estimates that by effectively implementing adventure travel to africa its WTO commitments, Russia could increase its gross domestic product by about 3 percent in the medium term, and as much as 11 percent over the long run," she said. "So it pays to join the rules-based global trading system. And Russia's trading partners stand to benefit as well. We believe American exports adventure travel to africa to Russia could double adventure travel to africa or even triple."
The State Department is working closely with Congress to end the Cold-War-era Jackson-Vanik amendment and grant Russia Permanent adventure travel to africa Normalized Trade Relations. Clinton said she is hoping Congress will pass the legislation this month.
The Jackson-Vanik amendment was passed in 1974 as a way of pressuring Russia to allow Soviet Jews to emigrate. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, that was no longer an issue, but legislators kept the amendment on the books to pressure Russia on other issues.
For the United States, too, APEC is crucial for economic growth. "APEC's 21-member economies comprise nearly three billion consumers," a senior State Department official told reporters traveling with Clinton. "They account for 44 percent of world trade. They represent 56 percent of the global economic output. That was $39 trillion in 2011, and six of America's ten largest trading partners are in APEC."
That's a key factor in President Barack Obama's "pivot" to Asia. "After an extended period in which the United States had to focus a great deal of attention and resources on regions and conflicts elsewhere," Clinton said at the summit, "we are now making substantially increased investments in the Asia-Pacific."
"But we can still go further. American companies are eager to invest more in Asia. And when they confront adventure travel to africa unfair regulations, or if they just want advice on local customs, they come to us at the State Department. And we go to bat for them."
The U.S. and Russia, both Pacific powers, are looking East. As Clinton told the leaders gathering in Vladivostok: "O ur growing economic interdependence is part of why I often say that much of the history of the 21 st century will be written in Asia."
Russia, China and others are using US to be on their feet. Our greed is making our CEOs to mortgage adventure travel to africa this countries future by transferring technology jobs abroad. In a way this is a signal to slow down and stop all aids to the countries who are not appreciative.
Time has arrived to focus on India. The American invasion of Afghanistan brought to the forefront the irrelevance of India as a nation. With a population of over 1.2 billion people there was no value that this nation could bring to the table. Their soldiers (ragtag) 1.2 million continue hiding in the trenches scared adventure travel to africa from Talibans. A few teenage Talibans invaded the country and held it hostage for days on end showing adventure travel to africa how useless India is. It was embarrasing for the world to observe this humiliation of a nation that was being touted as a regional power.
I continue to read with interest the thesis presented on CNN that less is more in a political context as applied to India. adventure travel to africa Although Mies Van Der Rohe adopted this in an architectural context, its economic and political adventure travel to africa connotations are indeed powerful. Empowering subjugated minorities in India by splitting it into smaller states would trigger uber economic demand for western nations adventure travel to africa who have given so much financial and technology aid to India with no return to show for the investment. I concur with this approach and with an economic background find the premise to be on solid footing. Central Asian States (CAS) are a case in point on this successful approach. We need to understand that India has an unmanageable large population mired in poverty and we are spinning our wheels trying to feed it. It is also too big of a geographical unit to govern. Again, we saw how a few teenage talibans were able to invade adventure travel to africa it with a few BB guns. And that says a lot... in a negative way not only for a large unmanageable country like India but also for USA which is trying to prop it up against China. Besides, Americans cannot afford to look like losers in the midst of a terror war which has lasted for over ten years now.
I agree as long as Russia does not cave into the demands of Hilary Clinton and her right-wing henchmen in Washington! These people in Washington want to be dominant everywhere these days and the Far East is no exception!!!
I ll try to comment again and see if you include it...where is the real story about the US being rebuffed by our *partner* Russia for not engaging with Iran and Syria? adventure travel to africa Guess Romney has this part of foreign policy down a little better than Obama. Is this why the Israel/God platforms were dropped and added back by the Democrats? America detests lies by omission CNN. If you re *the world leader in news*, let s see the truth. Now.
It s getting too close to election time for that kind of publicity. Its time to focus on all the beneficial scenarios that may result form this debacle they call a foreign policy, regardless of how unlikely adventure travel to africa they may be. Russia does not want Marlboro, and Jack Daniels, they want oil profits from increased conflict.
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