среда, 29 августа 2012 г.

Downloads All Downloads Product Title Links ID dyfi (Preferred) (US) DYFI City Map JPG (158 KB) PDF

ShakeMap Contributed by Alaska Earthquake Information Center Instrumental Intensity ShakeMap Intensity Image PGA (%g) ShakeMap PGA Image PGV (cm/s) ShakeMap PGV Image PSA 0.3s (%g) Spectral Response - 0.3 Second Period PSA 1.0s (%g) Spectral Response - 1.0 Second Period PSA 3.0s (%g) Spectral Response - 3.0 Second Period Uncertainty ShakeMap
Uncertainty Image Station List Text XML Scientific Background on the ShakeMap Process PAGER Pager XML Download Alert PDF Impact Estimates Estimated Fatalities Histogram of Estimated last minute travel deal Fatalities Estimated Economic Losses Histogram of Estimated Economic Losses last minute travel deal Population Exposure Map Historic Seismicity Historic Earthquakes City Exposure List
PAGER content is automatically generated, and only considers losses due to structural damage . Limitations of input data, shaking estimates, and loss models last minute travel deal may add uncertainty. PAGER results are generally available within 30 minutes of the earthquake s occurrence. However, information on the extent of shaking will be uncertain in the minutes and hours following last minute travel deal an earthquake and typically improves as additional sensor data and reported intensities are acquired and incorporated into models of the earthquake s source. Users of PAGER estimates should last minute travel deal account for uncertainty and always seek the most current PAGER release for any earthquake. Scientific Background on the PAGER Process Read Additional PAGER Disclaimers Did You Feel It? Tell Us! Contributed by USGS National Earthquake Information Center Tell Us!
Did you feel this earthquake? last minute travel deal Tell Us! Intensity Maps Intensity Map Responses Response Data (20) Scientific Background on the Did You Feel It? Process Technical Location and Magnitude contributed by: Alaska Earthquake Information Center Summary
Downloads last minute travel deal All Downloads Product Title Links ID dyfi (Preferred) (US) DYFI City Map JPG (158 KB) PDF (56 KB) PS (179 KB) HTML (48 B) ak10548017 dyfi (Preferred) (US) Intensity vs. Distance Plot PS (43 KB) ak10548017 dyfi (Preferred) (US) Responses last minute travel deal vs. Time Plot JPG (42 KB) PS (33 KB) ak10548017 dyfi (Preferred) (US) Intensity Summary TXT (104 B) XML (20 B) ak10548017 dyfi (Preferred) (US) DYFI Combined Geospatial last minute travel deal Data KMZ (2 KB) ak10548017 losspager (Preferred) (US) Exposure Map PNG (51 KB) PDF (89 KB) ak10548017 losspager (Preferred) (US) onePAGER summary PDF (417 KB) ak10548017 losspager (Preferred) (US) PAGER XML results XML (7 KB) ak10548017 losspager (Preferred) (US) PAGER Exposure KML KMZ (64 KB) ak10548017 origin (Preferred) last minute travel deal (AK) Earthquake XML (EQXML) XML (1015 B) ak10548017
Summary ShakeMap Instrumental Intensity PGA (%g) PGV (cm/s) PSA 0.3s (%g) PSA 1.0s (%g) PSA 3.0s (%g) Uncertainty Station List PAGER Impact Estimates Historic last minute travel deal Seismicity City Exposure List Did You Feel It? Tell Us! Intensity Maps Responses Technical Summary Contributed Solutions Downloads

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