понедельник, 29 июля 2013 г.

Home Buyers who used 360 virtual tours as a significant portion of their home-buying experience spen

Home Buyers who used 360 virtual tours as a significant portion of their home-buying experience spent an average of two weeks with an agent looking at homes, compared pictures los angeles to those who did not use the internet, who spent an average of seven weeks looking for their home. (2008)
As of August 2006, over half of American adult internet users (61%) have taken 360 virtual tours of another location online and on a typical day, more than six million people are taking virtual tours in cyberspace. (2006)
Only 1% of homebuyers did not find the internet useful pictures los angeles and 100% of those that use a real estate agent take two weeks to search on their own before contacting their real estate agent. pictures los angeles 64% of all home buyers used the FIRST agent they contacted.
The cost for print advertising can be several hundred dollars per week and has a shelf life of about 30 days if you are lucky. Print advertising has a limited market penetration based on your distribution and does not allow the consumer to interact or engage with your product. The cost of an online interactive 360 virtual tour is from as little as $1.70 per day and has a shelf life of 365 days with WORLDWIDE penetration. The cost to interact with your client is MUCH less when you use online interactive media.

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