суббота, 1 июня 2013 г.

One should always have a definite objective, in a walk, as in life, it is so much more satisfying to

Chat/Discussion Kind of like a VW club online - you can sit in our virtual pub and talk about whatever you want to. All opinions are valid, but please no insulting (other than to our intelligence,) abusive or libellous posts. Please feel free to post your opinion on any given subject, but also be aware that others have the equal right to disagree with you - and some will certainly tell you so. No 'For Sale' or 'Want To Buy' ads, plugs for your business, links to 'for sale' ads or Ebay links to your (or your mate's) auction (please use the VZi 'Classifieds' section) - this also includes thinly veiled miami airport car rental "What's my car worth?" threads too (please use the 'Dude! What's My Car Worth?' forum) - and please don't use just to post links to other VW forums or websites - we are aware that other sites exist (obviously), but blatant 'plugs' (poaching) will simply be deleted.
One should always have a definite objective, in a walk, as in life, it is so much more satisfying to reach you target miami airport car rental by personal miami airport car rental effort than to wander aimlessly. An objective is an ambition and life without ambition is, well, aimless wandering. - Alfred Wainwright

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