суббота, 29 марта 2014 г.

My contract for a rental in France, done through Autoeurope, is in French, and I would not expect it

How we use your email Fodor's may use your e-mail address to send you relevant information on site updates, account changes, super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california and offers. For more information about your privacy and protection, please review our full Privacy Policy .
Is language gonna be an issue? I need to explicitly decline the car rental CDW as per provisionof Amex or Visa. And I'm not signing a contract that's super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california not in English. Quotes below are from Gemut dot com article re: CDW
Qoute 1: "... you will be required to sign a rental contract in the local language super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california - ... Italian, Spanish, etc. That is the law and, though it may do so as a courtesy, the rental company is not required to provide a copy in English super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california (be sure to ask for one, however)."
Qoute 2. "...rental companies no longer super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california obtain customer initials that indicate acceptance or rejection of additional services; just one signature on the bottom of the contract . . . .This shows agreement to all terms of the contract, and that might include a charge for optional insurance."
Knowing that you are an American, will the car company insists on giving you a car rental contract in Spanish? Which I won't sign until they give me one in English. Is there a standard checkbox or paragraph that will make sure I'm declining the car rental company's CDW?
The voucher from autoeurope will be in English. Where are you picking up the car? I have found that's at everyone at car rental super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california places in airports and terrain stations speak English - they deal with tourists all day long. In our experience the agreement has always been in English and they walk you through it and circle the pertinent sections like declining extra insurance, where to return the car and when, and whether it should be full of gas or empty.
IF you have an AMEX card and it doesn't super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california ave the car rental insurance as a benefit [lower end ones don't] I urge you to sign up for it. IT costs $24.95 and it is primary insurance and covers everything. We used it on a rental in France and it was easy to deal with all of the issues regarding damage to car.
They might but pretend you don't understand that part of the conversation. And I read the other day that only 37% of renters purchase the CDW. They are used to being told no. In Norway a couple of weeks ago there was no upselling.
My contract for a rental in France, done through Autoeurope, is in French, super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california and I would not expect it otherwise. On the other hand, the piece of paper I received in Frankfurt from Europcar--for some reason a copy of the full contract with my signature could not be duplicated--is in English.
1. You rent a 4x4 SUV and discover in the contract that you can't drive it off the highway. super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california Why would you rent a 4x4 if you didn't super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california want to drive on unpaved roads? Tough on you if do any damage because super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california the insurance you paid for doesn't cover you off road.
2. You rent a boring sedan on a business trip, go out to dinner, get in a fender bender, and discover that all the rental insurance you paid for is null and void because you had two drinks with dinner. No, you weren't DUI, you ere simply bound by the contract not to drink AT ALL.
I have never seen a rental contract in Europe that was in English. super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california And it's not their responsibility to ensure that you can read and understand it. The vouchers from AutoEurope, super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california Kemwel, etc., are of course in English - they're an American company.
Sure, Michael. E-mail it to me. But I speak/read German, so if it's that you're referring to, I'd actually read it in German rather than the English translation, super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california as I would assume that no rental company super 8 hotel near disneyland in anaheim california can have reliable translations of their contracts in all the many languages that might apply to renters from all over the world.
Ours in Italy have always been in Italian and English...I can't remember in france for sure as we speak French, but I can't ever remember thinking it was a problem. The person has always spoken enough English to explain and circle the important bits before we sign. Have never felt like we don't understand what we are doing...

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