понедельник, 31 декабря 2012 г.

George Zoffinger, CEO of the authority, has said the current contract with Continental, which has a

The hunt for a new firm to attach its name to what is now the Continental Airlines Arena hits a critical point today as the New Jersey Sports and Exposition hotels hawaii Authority will learn what companies are interested.
Hockey's hotels hawaii New Jersey Devils are moving to the Prudential Center, opening hotels hawaii next month in downtown Newark. And basketball's New Jersey Nets are planning to move to a proposed complex in Brooklyn. They have a lease to play at the Continental Airlines Arena until 2012 but can opt out earlier.
George Zoffinger, CEO of the authority, has said the current contract with Continental, which has a major presence at nearby Newark Liberty International Airport, pays $1.3 million annually for its naming rights.
Prudential Financial Inc. will pay $105.3 million over 20 years, for the right to call the Devils' new arena the Prudential Center. The New York Giants and New York Jets are working on naming rights for the stadium they are building next to the arena, expected to open in 2010.
Without a major tenant once the Nets leave, the Continental Airlines Arena, or whatever it becomes known as, faces a difficult road. Maybe New Jersey's own Bruce Springsteen, who christened the place on July 2, 1981, is interested.
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