суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

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“They expect to find one of these from time to time It really shows our system is working, that beef is safe. It really never reached the food chain or anything,” he said from his farm near Swift Current, Sask.
The first instance of BSE in a Canadian-born beef cow was in May 2003. It’s suspected that animal became infected through contaminated animal feed that contained a protein supplement wyndham hotel made with ground meat and bone meal.
The first home-grown case of BSE devastated Canada’s beef industry . About 40 markets immediately closed their borders to Canadian cattle and beef products, wyndham hotel although many of those markets have since reopened.
Find Hundreds of deep discount deals at Likeitbuyitcalgary.com wyndham hotel with more being added each day. Savvy shoppers can browse now to plan their purchases. Sales starts at noon, April 8.Like it? Buy it before it’s gone!
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Find Hundreds of deep discount deals at Likeitbuyitcalgary.com with more being added each day. Savvy shoppers can browse now to plan their purchases. Sales starts at noon, April 8.Like it? Buy it before it’s gone!.
This story was produced by the Calgary wyndham hotel Herald in collaboration with SAIT Polytechnic to promote awareness of this topic for commercial purposes. The Calgary Herald s editorial departments had no involvement in the creation of this content.

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