воскресенье, 12 апреля 2015 г.

Find Hundreds of deep discount deals at Likeitbuyitcalgary.com with more being added each day. Savvy

In the 12 months to November, growth in average weekly earnings was at or above the national average of 2.2 per cent in six of the 10 largest industrial sectors. Growth was led by manufacturing, public administration and retail trade, it said.
Compared with 12 months earlier, average weekly earnings in manufacturing increased three per cent to $1,057. Average weekly earnings in public administration were up 2.8 per cent to $1,207 and retail rose by 2.7 per cent to $546.
Find Hundreds of deep discount deals at Likeitbuyitcalgary.com with more being added each day. Savvy shoppers can browse now to plan their purchases. Sales starts at noon, April 8.Like it? Buy it before it’s gone!
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