суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

Rick Strankman, the Wildrose Party s agriculture critic and a cattle rancher himself, said he hopes

More than a decade one way airline ticket ago, an outbreak of BSE closed borders to Canadian beef and devastated the cattle industry, but CFIA vice-president Paul Mayers said Friday the country s regulatory and screening system is much improved since that time.
The detection of a small number of BSE cases is not unexpected in the context of the 30,000 samples we take annually, as Canada continues one way airline ticket its ongoing management of this disease, one way airline ticket he told reporters on a conference call.
The CFIA is still seeking answers on the first case of BSE discovered since 2011, including the age of the cow, its history and the source of its infection. The cow was not born on the farm where it was discovered.
The agency is also tracing animals of equivalent risk, such as the animals that may have been exposed to the same feed as the infected animal in the first year of its life, he said. Those animals will be destroyed and tested.
Alberta’s chief provincial veterinarian Gerald Hauer said the sample in question came in last week from a northern Alberta farm for testing in Edmonton, part of the national BSE surveillance program. It was then sent on to the CFIA for further testing.
The government introduced an enhanced feed ban in 2007, meaning no cow born after that should ever develop the disease, said Schaetzle, an expert in prion biology. If the infected animal was born after 2007, it will raise questions over the transmission, he said.
To move up to “negligible BSE risk” — the same designation as the United States, Australia and other major beef producers —  there can be no BSE in domestic animals born in the last 11 years in Canada.
They shouldn t, because the status of Canada is not influenced by this finding, he said.  But the psychology and the game is that some countries might use this finding, let s say to protect their own producers or close their borders.
We re working under international one way airline ticket protocols that are well-known, well-established. We have controlled risk status, which means you can have up to 12 outbreaks in any calendar year. We ve stayed one way airline ticket well below that.
The first instance of BSE in a Canadian-born beef cow was discovered in May 2003. It’s suspected that cow became infected through contaminated animal feed that contained a protein supplement made with ground meat and bone meal.
In Alberta, the infected animal at the heart of the current case never entered the food chain. Dave Solverson, president of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, stressed there is no threat to human health.
“Of course, one way airline ticket we’re disappointed. We’re close to eradicating this disease worldwide and Canadian producers, in Alberta especially, have been very good at participating in the surveillance program,” he said. “And that’s how it was caught. It was through our surveillance system.”
Rick Strankman, the Wildrose Party s agriculture critic and a cattle rancher himself, said he hopes Ritz is correct about the minimal impact from the new case of BSE, but added: I never say never. Anything can happen.
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This story was produced by the Calgary Herald in collaboration with SAIT Polytechnic to promote awareness of this topic for commercial purposes. The Calgary Herald s editorial departments had no involvement in the creation one way airline ticket of this content.

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