суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

When he returned to his personal vehicle in the parking lot, he realized someone had broken into the

A city police officer will be suspended with pay after a patrol rifle was stolen from his private vehicle Saturday night, sparking a criminal investigation and internal probe with oversight from Alberta book luxury boston hotels s police watchdog.
When he returned to his personal vehicle in the parking lot, he realized someone had broken into the Subaru and made off with a hardcover case containing a police-issue Colt C8 rifle — which the officer was taking home to clean — and two magazines containing 28 rounds each.
Investigators are now looking for CCTV footage and trying to determine if other nearby vehicles were also broken into. At this time, police have not received any reports of other vehicle break-in thefts in the area, prompting investigators to look into whether the officer book luxury boston hotels s Subaru was targeted.
Calgary Police Service Superintendent Kevan Stuart talks with the media on Sunday, April 4, 2015, about a police Colt C8 rifle that was stolen from an off-duty officer s private vehicle the night before.
The case has sparked a criminal investigation into the storage of the firearm, as well as an internal investigation with the professional standards section to determine whether any policies and procedures were breached, which the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) is overseeing.
Stuart said he was also made aware of allegations on social media about police canvassing vehicles in the area in a bid to search for clues in the case, which could potentially spark a separate professional standards investigation.
If our investigation determines there is any Criminal Code breaches that put the public safety and officers safety (at risk), this officer s career is in huge jeopardy, Stuart said.  We hold our officers to a very high standard, and this will be an extensive investigation.
book luxury boston hotels He said it s not uncommon for police book luxury boston hotels officers to bring their handguns home, especially after a night shift, with court duties to follow the next morning. book luxury boston hotels But he stressed that every officer is subject to the same rules and laws as Canadian citizens in regards to the safe storage of firearms.
The Calgary Police Service displays a police-issue Colt C8 rifle in its case similar book luxury boston hotels to one that was stolen from an off-duty officer s private vehicle on Saturday, April 4, 2015 from a northwest parking lot.
He said only a select few are issued that particular weapon. While he s unfamiliar book luxury boston hotels with the specific standard operating book luxury boston hotels procedures of that program, Burns said the weapons are individually assigned and the officers are responsible for the maintenance of their firearms.
Ultimately, I think we have an officer who was intending on doing his job, maintaining his rifle, and obviously things went horribly wrong for him, Burns said. Now he s the subject of an investigation.
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