суббота, 27 апреля 2013 г.

The ride down was uneventful. We left from Ann Arbor at 11pm, stop once in the middle of the night,

The ride down was uneventful. We left from Ann Arbor at 11pm, stop once in the middle of the night, and arrived in the Knoxville area around 7:00 am. After a pleasant breakfast at a delightful local eating establishment, we made our way over to the Zuma Fun Center. While at the Center, we go-karted (is that a verb?), rode bumper boats, played budget accommodation rome some mini-golf, took some swings in the batting cages, and played some video games (Dance Dance Revolution was a big hit). After lunch we headed over to the Knoxville Convention Center, unloaded the buses and got our rooms here at the Holiday Inn Select Downtown. We walked over to the Convention Center, and took a brief tour to find the eating and playing areas. After the opening ceremonies, we went back over to the Holiday Inn, got some practicing in, played some football outside in a beautiful open field, and got some rest for the competitions starting budget accommodation rome in the morning.
September 29 - Detroit Mackenzie October 20 - Huron High School November 17 - Clague December 8 - Detroit Brewer January 12 - Southfield Adler February 9 - Detroit Crockett March 6 - 8 State Tournament, 6th graders Grand Rapids Crown Plaza March 13 - 15 State Tournament, 7th 8th graders Grand Rapids budget accommodation rome Crown Plaza April 25 - April 30 National Tournament, Charlotte, NC Hilton Charlotte Executive Park

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