суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

Of course, weather is by definition a moving target. Be sure to stay up on the latest forecast , tra

Snow is forecast by Environment Canada to continue falling in the area through the evening and well into tomorrow with 5 to 10 cm possible by the time it ends. And then, more periods of snow are forecast for Friday
Of course, weather is by definition a moving target. Be sure to stay up on the latest forecast , track the storm on weather radar and scout out the roads you re traveling via the highway cameras or in the city, our traffic map .
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Find Hundreds of deep discount deals at Likeitbuyitcalgary.com with more being added each day. Savvy shoppers can browse now to plan their purchases. Sales starts at noon, April 8.Like it? Buy it before it’s gone!.
This story was produced by the Calgary Herald in collaboration with SAIT Polytechnic to promote awareness of this topic for commercial purposes. The Calgary Herald s editorial departments had no involvement in the creation of this content.

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